What is The Antahkarana?
The Antahkarana, as it is called in the Ageless Wisdom, is the link that must be consciously built between the mental unit of the Personality, and the Soul. Without this link no Genuine Higher or Enlightened Awareness, that is, perceptions from the Soul or above, are possible.
One can certainly access Etheric, Astral and Concrete Mental levels, but as these are all the Planes of Perception within which the Personality dwells, they are not perceptions that are conducive of Enlightenment nor Liberation, and in fact can prove a complete hindrance to Higher Spiritual Perceptions!
When we look at the Planes of Perception and realise they are identified as lower to higher, it is common to imagine they exist one above the other, but this is not literally so. They are not linear in terms of upwards through space but are upwards in vibration.
Therefore, the Antahkarana is not a bridge built through Space, from here to there as a measure of distance; it is a bridge through the vibrational Planes of Perception; therefore, it is a Bridge through Time! And in this case, through Vertical Time.
The Antahkarana is a Time Bridge
All Planes of Perception exist in the same Space, the higher interpenetrating the lower. Therefore, the Soul, within the abstract levels of the mental plane, exists in the same Space as the Personality within the dense levels of the physical plane, but is higher in vibration.
As we all evolve upwards vibrationally, the higher up one considers, the further into their future they are focusing. Why is this so?
As we evolve, we awaken awareness on each higher plane, therefore, the higher the plane, the further into our future it is. Think of a person standing in the same place and jumping from century to century through time. Same Space, different Times. Moving up through the Planes is much the same. Each location is higher in vibration and more refined, and from one point of view, it is ahead in time.
Therefore, if we are creating a link from a form on one Plane to a form on another Plane, we are working through time.
We can also consider it like this…
The Speed of Evolution is relative to the Vibration of the Plane it exists within.
All vibration can be seen as sound, which is oscillating frequency, and this can be visualised as a soundwave. As the vibration speeds up, the oscillations within the soundwave increase – the peaks get closer and closer together.
Like with a full day of life on earth being measured from dawn to dusk to dawn again, we can consider a day of life for the soundwave as the time taken from peak to valley and up to the next peak. As the vibration increases, the closer together these peaks become, therefore, the more cycles per second, and for the soundwave, the more days of life that pass – relative to life external to the wave.
Hence for life within the high-vibrational soundwave, relative to that within a lower vibration, time moves faster – as it does within the Planes of Perception. The higher up, the faster the rate of life. Therefore, the higher the Plane, the more Advanced the Consciousness or Awareness at that level.
It is also why the more advanced we become, the more exponential our growth! Evolution is slow at first but accelerates more and more with greater self-mastery.
In conclusion…
When we strive to expand and connect upwards, we are connecting through time. Which is another reason it is said “The Masters dwell in the Future”.
In Liberation
Azure Seer
For a short explanation of the True Now and Vertical Time, see my Gem Post: The Present Moment is Not The Now
For a Deep Dive into these subjects see my Article: Liberation Beyond The Now