
Gem – On Limitations, Self-Mastery, and Focus

Evolution Requires Right Focus It is our limiting patterns or inner darkness that stops us from embodying and living our greatest potential. Therefore, while it is important to keep our compass set towards our higher, greater, or future self; if we want to achieve Self-Mastery and gain access to the consciousness and resources of our […]

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On Technology, Truth, and Aliens

A Brief Introduction The following article is comprised of three distinct thought streams about: technology and discernment; the evolution of consciousness versus technological development; and Light, Darkness, deception, and truth. These three are then followed by a fourth section containing some deep concluding thoughts. While each section is distinct from the others, there are overlaps

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Gem – The Consciousness of Benevolence

The Cost of Sensory Gratification The modern world offers many avenues to draw our attention, and hence our energy. There are millions of ways we can get busy and distract ourselves, drag our attention away from our inner higher awareness and down into the bodily senses, emotional stimulation, and a perpetual bouncing around in a

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Relating to Matter and Liberation

Matter and Limitation Our relationship to Matter can have a variety of powerful impacts upon us, depending on the nature of the relationship. Physical objects or dense Matter especially, can trap us in the most severe patterns of limitation. However, our physical possessions are not themselves the true problem, it is our relationship to them,

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The One Path – Spiritual Evolution

All is Connected. All is One. Shadow work, mastering vices and cultivating virtues, balancing imbalance, harmonising disharmony, bringing coherence to the chaotic, transmuting our lower nature, the redemption of substance, cultivating wellness through healing our bodies emotions and minds, growing beyond cruelty to nonviolence, the entire path to self-mastery, taking a stand to heal evil

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On Disease, Darkness, and Accessible Light

PART ONE Perception, Deception, and Darkness What follows is an unpacking of some of the aspects of the Perception of Light and Truth, mostly explored through the lens of what is commonly called Light Work. I am writing with the intention of dispelling several myths or glamours, which unfortunately, are plentiful in many who identify

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