All is Connected. All is One.
Shadow work, mastering vices and cultivating virtues, balancing imbalance, harmonising disharmony, bringing coherence to the chaotic, transmuting our lower nature, the redemption of substance, cultivating wellness through healing our bodies emotions and minds, growing beyond cruelty to nonviolence, the entire path to self-mastery, taking a stand to heal evil or darkness, curing separatism and awakening to universality or oneness, and the very drive of evolution itself – all of these things are manifestations of the one thing. And all of them are about the relationship of consciousness with matter – the human kingdom with the deva kingdom, under the guidance of the Spiritual Kingdom.
What Are We in the Path of Life?
To understand the nature and path of existence, we must know what we, the human kingdom is, and especially, what we are not.
We are not our bodies. We are not Matter. We utilise matter for our growth, and in so doing assist the lives that are dense matter, to evolve from their darkened low-vibrational state, back to their high-vibrational illumined state – within the Path of Return.
The Light of Conscious Love is transformative in nature, and this transformational illuminating Love is who we are. Or put differently… We are the Consciousness that calls together the devas of various grades of Matter, to form a vessel to incarnate into and work through. And via this interrelationship both we and the devas are transformed and evolve. Whether we are aware of this or not, this is the nature of our Being, of Being Consciousness.
We are no more our bodies and personalities, than devas are consciousness, or intelligence is love. In their highest forms, Intelligence and Consciousness are alike and yet, remain distinct.
Consciousness inhabits Matter, inhabits Intelligence. It is like a Divine Marriage. Neither Consciousness nor Matter can evolve without the other, and neither without the Directing Will that is Spirit.
Where Are We Within the Trinity?
Matter is Intelligence, embodied as the deva kingdom – feminine in nature.
All Matter is devas, which is why it is intelligent and can be communicated with.
Spirit is will, embodied as the spiritual kingdom – masculine in nature.
Consciousness is Love, embodied as human monads, reflected as the kingdom of human souls – androgynous in nature.
Therefore, a conscious and loving humanity are the midpoint or bridge between spiritual will and intelligent matter. We are the product or Child/Consciousness of Mother/Matter and Father/Spirit.
We Are Not Men and Women!
Bringing this down to our dense reality, to unpack what this Divine Truth means…
As we are not our bodies, and our Souls are androgynous – having incarnated as male and female many hundreds of times before they will evolve out of the human kingdom – we are not men and women! We are Souls temporarily inhabiting male or female bodies. Those who are spiritually mature know this directly. This Divine Truth reveals that neither “men” nor “women” are a “problem” on earth – but the act of such separative judgment certainly is.
If you say, “Oh, but men are the main source of evil on earth, not women.” Firstly, I would remind you that we incarnate as both, so, who are you blaming? Secondly, I would remind you that one of the primary attributes of the Divine father is Power, one of the Divine Mother is Intelligence, and either quality alone will easily aberrate or devolve into something abhorrent and abusive without Love. And thirdly, one fact about humanity is that we learn through trial and error, and hence, make many mistakes while learning to control and master any quality – certainly power and intelligence are no exception.
It is very easy to blame “men.” We need only look at the mess of our largely Patriarchal Society to see Abuse of Power. But we should look back and remember our previous Matriarchal Atlantean Society, which destroyed itself through the misuse of the science of sound – corrupted by uncontrolled desire and greed – to see an Abuse of Intelligence. The fact is, all Divine Principles will be used poorly by the immature or spiritually young soul, regardless of the body they inhabit!
Rather than either sex being an issue, the problem lies in the structure of society, where one sex is elevated above or given special privilege over the other. Instead of two sexes, we must see One People!
It should be easily seen that the way of Love-Wisdom is opened to us when we balance and fuse Power and Intelligence within the Heart, when we open to and blend the best of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. When we, as the creation of and balance point between, Mother/Matter and Father/Spirit draw equally from both our parents. When we do not allow either Power or Intelligence to dominate, but we temper both within the Love-Wisdom fires of the Heart, then and only then do we have any chance of balance in our lives and world. Only then can we stop all separativeness and come together as One Equal People.
Separatism is an Expression of Immaturity
Bad behaviour is never confined to one sex or another, to one religion, or one political party. All groups are made up of individuals, and every human has the capacity for poor, unloving, or outright cruel choices. The younger the incarnating Soul, the greater its propensity to identification with matter, and therefore, the sex of their body, their nationality, sexual orientation, or any other physical attribute, or individual identity. And with this polarisation, we always see a greater energy of separatism, regardless of how it is dressed up. These younger souls, along with the consciously malevolent, ever unwisely or unlovingly perpetuate duality on earth. If you see and fixate upon “men and women” instead of focusing on “Souls in male and female bodies,” you are part of the problem on earth.
We must realise we, as in humanity, embody our greatness when we identify-not with the sex of our body, but instead, with the sexless androgynous fiery soul that we are – regardless of the body we currently inhabit. When seen as Souls in bodies, we have a greater foundation for equality and fellowship.
I should add to this aspirational truth, a worthy warning… If you identify with or as your body, not only are you perpetuating separatism by empowering an Us and Them Paradigm, but sadly, you are also diminishing yourself and possibilities by blocking access to all the wisdom in your Soul gathered while incarnate in a different sex, race, religion, or ideology! You limit your consciousness to the confines of the blip in time that is your current personality! Separatism is an insidious quality that is easily masked in a world of people identified with their bodies. What could be wrong with acknowledging the differences between male and female bodies? Nothing. But if we extend this to identifying With or As these bodies, Kazzam – diversity becomes separative duality!
The path forward lies in Universality and non-identification with our forms, to acknowledge their diversity, but to hold focus on what unites us – our common ground as Souls.
Maturity Creates Selflessness and Self-Control
As we mature as people and Souls, as we grow towards enlightenment and eventual liberation from the Human Kingdom altogether, we embody greater and vaster Love-wisdom, and the plight of all humanity and the other Kingdoms on earth comes into our field of vision and heartfelt concern. With this growth also comes a deeper drive towards selfless service.
To achieve greater service requires greater self-control and eventually self-mastery, which brings us back to our relationship with the devas and the redemption of substance, or deva lives. For self-control is control of devas, which can be done benevolently and with pure intent, or malevolently and with cruel or hateful intent.
Those of us on the Heart Path clearly seek the Golden Middle Way of Balance and Benevolence, and strive to serve with Love, as Love.
Selfless Control and the One Path
With each layer of personality-defined identity we release, each increment of wise self-control gained, each step from the unstable extremes to the midpoint of balance, or each minute lifting of the lower into the higher, we are releasing alignment with or embodiment of a lower class or order of deva and opening to a new connection and relationship with those of a higher order or class.
Just as within our bodies, we grow beyond our older cells and new ones must be grown, followed by an expelling of the old ones; so too, do we go through a similar process with the devas within us, at all levels of the personality self – physical, emotional, and mental. New devas are drawn in, and the old devas are expelled. If our change is due to forward or upward growth, the incoming devas embody a greater measure of light, compared to those they are replacing. We become more luminous. Hence, the spiritual path is literally one of en-lighten-ment – the lightening of the vehicles within which we dwell. And this very process is the One Path all life shares – the path home, from dense matter to luminous spirit.
Tools for Transformation
Anything we consciously engage, we manage better. Conscious awareness and attention to details allows for conscious choice and is the basis of Freewill.
To consciously walk the Spiritual Path – the Path of Return, is to live as a Divine Alchemist, ever working to transmute the lower nature and lower-vibrating substance into their higher forms. This skill, like all skills, requires knowledge. Without this, we are instigating actions blindly, and much harm can inadvertently be caused, to oneself and others. And, wherever we harbour the darkness of ignorance, is an area where Dark Beings can manipulate us without our knowing!
To Consciously Walk the One Path, we must cultivate higher virtues and gain control over the Vehicle within which we dwell, and this requires study and ever-greater discernment.
At first, we simply work on ourselves alone, using detachment and self-observation. But at an advanced stage of the path, we begin to work on qualities that are so deeply entwined into our nature, we lack the objectivity to see them as patterns on top of who we are; we simply experience them as who we are! And so, at this stage, we require an incarnate teacher or to be a member of a group whose combined energies draw the attention of a High-Level Being or Master on the inner realms. In either case, objective feedback, knowledge, and guidance can then be received – if we are genuinely open to receive clear authentic observations.
Until that stage, learning mindfulness and gaining control of our physical appetites and emotions is essential. We need a solid foundation to build or grow into higher consciousness. Cultivating nonviolence or harmlessness, selflessness, dispassionate compassion, lovingkindness, and wise discernment will carry us far, and transmute many deva lives within us – thus, grounding a greater measure of Light and Love on Earth. Through doing this essential Self-Work, we thereby lift the All or One Life closer back to its luminous high-vibrational state.
In Radiant Love
Azure Seer