Separatism is Often Disguised
Historically, Greek businesses have given job preferences to Greek family members, Religious Schools contracted teachers of the same Religion, Jews chose to employ and do business with other Jews, Asians preferenced other Asians, and Men chose to work with other Men, believing women as inferior, etc. In recent years we can add to these examples: Gay organisations are favouring gay staff, Women who have female-focused businesses are preferencing other Women, the Wealthy Elite are preferring to associate with other Wealthy folks and actively avoid “the poor,” despite their own hoarding being part of the cause for the societal disparity in the first place.
All these identity-based groupings, and many other examples in the world, generally avoid others who are “not like them,” others whom they believe will not get them, and who they deem as “different.” Even though they will see their own choices through the lens of supporting those they love and relate to, they may not be aware of it, but the truth is, this behaviour is based upon and reinforces Judgment, Rejection and Separatism!
Diversity is Being Targeted
The same principle of favouring those we relate to, and therefore, disfavouring those who are different, was and is being programmed into the mainstream masses – and this ugliness is growing in power. We saw this manifest as properties not being rented to, bank loans not being given to, violence towards, and even the refusal to serve others who were labelled as radicals, conspiracy theorists, freedom fighters, revolutionaries, or un-vaxed disease spreaders, etc – all people who were seen as challenging the old system of established tyrannical control. However, these very people that were judging and condemning others, did not see nor label their own separative behaviour as ugly.
Those of us who are striving to create Heart-Based Culture and a better world, us whose actions embody the profound and urgently needed changes, inadvertently trigger fear in the masses for whom society is designed – those who have been programmed, via the media, governments, and religion, to love and depend upon this system. These masses are now being aggressively re-programmed to judge, other, and fight the conscious positive changemakers. The masses are being weaponised to keep everyone, themselves included, “in line with the established order” – even to the point of attacking those they are being told are “a threat.” By acting thusly, these people are creating deep divisions within society.
This is the Ugliness of Separatism at work!
Love Must Act!
Judgment and Separatism are being cultivated and empowered by the Dark Elite and DB (Dark Beings), physically and psychologically, planet-wide, and this is the powerbase which will underpin the successful forming of their global shackles – their Digital IDs linked to a Social Credit System. Once established, the Dark Elite will try to use this system to actively block the awakening of consciousness and evolution within humanity, by socially and functionally crippling those opposed to their mass control – unless the Forces of Love and Light step up to share and empower the Principle of Inclusive Unity and Transmute their Darkness NOW!!
We must remember that people caught up in striving for power over others, anyone trying to take away freedom of choice or bodily autonomy, while their actions are evil, pure and simple, these people are still our kin – they are just seeking empowerment in the wrong way. We must, therefore, oppose their actions but continue to love them – this is essential! Remember, the Sun, the great symbol of life, shines its love indiscriminately upon all – those living in Lovingkindness and striving for benevolent nonviolence at all times, and those acting out malevolent separative violence and lacking in love. We must be like the Sun!
We must all work as Love in Action, physically, mentally, and definitely energetically. Luminous Love must be actively utilised to destroy the Dark Powerbases being used by these malevolent power-hungry controllers. And the DB supporting them from within the inner realms must be found and healed back to Love or removed from our planetary or solar system altogether – if they cannot be converted from Evil.
The work of the Divine Alchemist and “Lumineer” is needed Now More Than Ever!
In Luminous Love
Azure Seer