On Technology, Truth, and Aliens

A Brief Introduction

The following article is comprised of three distinct thought streams about: technology and discernment; the evolution of consciousness versus technological development; and Light, Darkness, deception, and truth. These three are then followed by a fourth section containing some deep concluding thoughts.

While each section is distinct from the others, there are overlaps and interactions. If you contemplate all four sections as a whole, a greater clarity about life on the spiritual path will stand clear before you.

Our collective relationship to technology, intelligence, and evolution through the awakening of Love-Wisdom, are subjects that are not focused on nearly enough in our world – and perhaps to our own future peril.

Technological Development Hinders Truth and Discernment

Our current technology allows computers to create completely realistic photos of people who never existed, “Deep Fakes” they are called. If the video equivalent is not already here, it is not far away.

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), even the everyday person can now create photos of things that do not exist, or have never existed, and yet, they appear totally Real. It is likely, audio is likewise being manipulated and controlled, to create sound files of things that were never said, “Recordings” that were never recorded, but created.

Will these marvels be used for our collective betterment, or will they be used to confuse and deceive? Is this another example, showing we are developing our technology faster than we are growing our humanity or awakening Love-Wisdom?

If we consider the combination of Deep Fakes, AI-generated videos, and created voice files, it will mean we will Never be able to Believe as True, ANYTHING that is printed, aired, or online. “Evidence” will cease to be! Unless we see an object, or see and hear an event in person, we will never know what is and was Real. We will Never know what truly happened.

But let us also remember, that if 10 people observe an event, we will get 10 different accounts of what happened – as all we perceive is filtered and changed before it becomes conscious knowledge. How, therefore, will we discern and make “informed” choices in this fast-approaching deception-corrupted future world?

Let us now bring non-physical reality into this thought stream, and with this, the truth that the dense world is illusory in nature, that it is a “Reflection of the Real,” it is Maya. Therefore, we need to ask this question: How will human consciousness need to adapt and change in order to navigate life in this bold new world of technological wonders?!

And if we expand again to note that the astral and lower mental planes are likewise realms of glamour and illusion respectively – we discover that the non-physical reality contacted by most spiritually oriented people is even more mutable, illusory, and therefore deceptive, than the dense physical. As more people awaken these higher inner perceptions, the need for clear discernment will become even greater. How will we all discern in life when we realise so much is not real?! As we collectively embrace this new realisation, will it create a Tipping Point of radical cultural change, and in what way?

Technological Development, Aliens, and Consciousness

Have you ever considered that a race with high intelligence, but without commensurate Heart Awakening, may not survive their technological development? If Love-Wisdom is lacking, greed and self-serving agendas would surely guarantee collective destruction!

Have you ever considered that perhaps the most advanced alien races, those with the highest consciousness or planetary enlightenment, do not travel through space in physical craft?

Have you ever considered that perhaps a race of genuinely benevolent beings would collectively realise the inherent dangers in developing technology beyond a certain degree. And perhaps they understood that technology is usually created by those seeking “power over” instead of “being one with” biological life.

Perhaps such high-vibrational beings, in their wisdom, also saw the disconnection from Reality it would create, chose to live a different way, and not use their intellects to develop their world and civilisation in this direction or manner. Perhaps they, like our own greatest teachers on earth, realised that they are not their bodies, that the lower dense-physical worlds where we all dwell, are only outer reflections of the Real, and that the path of enlightenment and liberation lies in awakening our higher consciousness – which necessitates an orientation within, rather than a deeper and deeper enmeshing with dense outer matter.

Have you contemplated that if these beings followed such a spiritual path, and the majority achieved enlightenment, or were close to it, that they would have “liberated minds” capable of mental or full consciousness projection – a higher stage beyond astral projection?

And have you ever considered that such highly developed beings, who can project their awareness anywhere in space, have no need for physical craft, for they can simply “project their consciousness” and explore worlds or communicate and help any less evolved beings they meet in this manner?

And have you now realised that only those still identified with and as their bodies, only those still limited to the confines of physical reality, have need of such things as physical craft, as they cannot yet travel as consciousness? Yes, I am suggesting that perhaps it is not Awakened or Enlightened Beings that travel the cosmos in crafts, but in fact, only those with high intelligence but little to No Heart Awakening or Enlightened Consciousness – if they somehow survived such technological development.

If you have awakened to the stage where you can travel anywhere at the speed of thought – which is instantaneous – why would you chug along in a dense craft? You would not!

Therefore, it is the awakening of consciousness and not using our intellect to better manipulate matter, that defines the meeting point of Higher Intelligence, Great Love, and Embodied Wisdom. Technological development does not necessarily imply Higher Consciousness, Greater Love, or Purity of Spirit.

One caveat or reason we should consider, whereby a genuinely advanced and benevolent race may still build and travel in physical craft, or high-vibrational craft that can re-materialise at dense levels, is to communicate with races that are not yet advanced enough to either hear their projected thoughts, or are able to hear, but whose minds will distort their thoughts before full conscious recognition of them.
However, these low levels of consciousness within a race would mean they are still caught in identification with their dense forms and in duality consciousness. Such a people, like the majority on earth, would most likely see an alien race with superior technology, appearing on earth, as a great threat – and would surely attack them rather than listen to them. Hence, once more, we see that an enlightened race, filled with wisdom, would not likely come to our world!

From Darkness to Light – Deception to Truth

The Path of Darkness lies in greater material identification and development, as the denser the matter, the less visible light it emits. Literally, the denser the matter, the greater the darkness, for the denser the matter, the more light it blocks.

Unless the technology we develop is used to benefit All, including animals, plants, and the earth; unless it does not cause harm to any, and does not leave a trail of trash and toxins behind its unfoldment and use; its development is not aligned to Love-Wisdom – it is, therefore, a demonstration of Darkness and Evil!

The Path of Awakening to Divine Intelligence, Love-Wisdom, and Will, is the Path of Light, as the higher a thing vibrates, the less dense and more luminous it becomes. And in people aligned to these higher levels of awareness, we always see motives of The Greatest Good For All, harmlessness or nonviolence, genuine inclusiveness, true benevolence, and full-circle (cradle to cradle) practices in place at dense levels. We see embodied Luminous Love!

The Path of Light lies literally in the other direction to focusing on and as dense matter. Hence, power over matter is representative of one of the lowest levels of achievement. Yes, it is an achievement, but truly the least of all achievements in terms of true growth and mastery. 
Just like staying in kindergarten until well into adulthood, if we stand still, yet keep developing within that stance, we get very good at control and mastery of all that surrounds us at that level. We will become masterful and clever at stacking blocks and colouring within the lines, we may even develop and create new ways of doing these things, but while we shine in brilliance at this level, we are seriously stunted to the point of true stagnation.

To concentrate our attention perpetually at the dense level is to not grow as a being, or to stunt or block our evolution – one definition of Evil or Darkness. To keep our focus where we can outshine children and avoid co-measuring ourselves against our true peer group is a false shining – a true deception – and one that serves no one, except those who use deception to keep us stunted and controllable!

The Path of Liberation, from Darkness to Light, Evil to Love, requires a “turning in the seat of consciousness,” away from dense Matter towards luminous Spirit, without going into denial or rejection of dense matter. The Path Home, to the Divine, lies in becoming one with all life, at all levels, not trapping our awareness within our dense physical bodies. Again, we must open to a greater focus than this separate thing or that separate object. Love lies in seeing and identifying with the whole, which contains all parts. And Love requires growth of all parts of the self, not just the intellect and our ability to control dense matter.

True Awakening lies in expanding to directly experience Oneness at ever greater levels of perception, and from within this wholeness we can discern what is True and what Serves Divine Light. Through this also comes true clarity and a great revealing of that which retards growth, evolution, and expansive universality; that which serves Darkness or Evil; and that which is False! We can clearly see the deceptions intended to manipulate and control us. Seeing opens the way to Love-Wisdom and Liberation.

Therefore, to save our world from deception, we must “Seek the Light.” We must master our vehicles in the lower three worlds and open to our Souls and their Ocean of Luminous Oneness.

The Path from Matter to Spirit

To conclude, let me explore one principle underlying all the above points…

We must come to know that we only do in dense reality what we cannot yet do in the fiery inner world. We do in form, what we cannot yet do in consciousness. For once we can do anything in higher consciousness, we have no need for its lower reflection. We are then Liberated and Free! Why?

To labour in matter implies we have an unmet desire, that we are caught in lack. For if we are experiencing something as already true within us, such lack consciousness would not be present, and hence, there would be no desires, driving any action, to create at the level of dense matter.

One may then ask, “As surely some incarnate creators are enlightened or serving the enlightened ones; once they get to a level of consciousness where they experience genuine Spiritual Oneness and can create anything they think within that vastness, why would they continue to create in dense matter?”

The answer is simple. Genuinely enlightened beings, Boddhisattvas completely focused on serving those yet to achieve their level of awareness and mastery, create in matter as a method of pointing the way to Higher Reality, for those following them in evolution – it is an act of selfless service, perfectly suited to the consciousness of those being served. They use the matter the masses are still identified with and as, in select, conscious, selfless ways:

  • To create the necessary circumstances for people to learn from, while clearing their karma.
  • To alleviate suffering, and thus, create space within people to begin to turn within and contemplate Higher Reality.
  • To create an environment best suited to help people integrate and master their personality vehicles.
  • To create ways to help people see and experience Oneness – their true interconnected, interdependent reality, thus overcoming separativeness.
  • To demonstrate the grounded notes of Capital B Beauty – therefore, using matter to point to the qualities of the Heart and Love-Wisdom.
  • To demonstrate higher principles as they manifest at dense levels – thus, helping people in learning to discern Truth from Deception or Illusion.

For most, their identification with matter is so complete, or their inner life is so totally filtered through glamour, that offering teachings to liberate them must be done in dense ways, in the ways of dense matter, or else such people will never receive them and grow.

We must not allow technological wonders to distract us from Reality or lull us into deeper identification or obsession with dense Matter. For the cost will be our Spirits, resulting in our world falling into deeper and deeper Darkness.

We must seek “Being One with Life,” not “Power Over Life,” and create Beauty, Peace, and Freedom for All Lives on and in our World of Matter.

To Your Elucidation and Liberation
Azure Seer

For more on the topic of “Aliens Coming to Earth,” see my Article: Can Aliens Simply ‘Come to Earth’?

For more on the topic of Technology, see my Articles: Should we focus on our Brainwaves? and Technology, Psychic Powers and Spiritual Growth

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