The Wisdom of Conscious Change
When your body is showing signs of stress, overwhelm and sickness, you do not just continue with “business as usual”, you stop. You reassess, and make changes. Depending on the degree of discord, disharmony or disease, indicates clearly the degree of change you need to make.
If you heed not the manifesting warning signs, and do not make the necessary changes, the conditions worsen and serious illness or complete body-wide failure can occur!
When severe stress is appearing, one has to pull back into patterns of simple nurture – to stop pushing to grow more, do more, achieve more. Everything Needs to Stop. We must drop all plans and just surrender – into stillness. We need time to re-balance and heal.
This is the wisdom of the ages.
Let us then apply this simple principle to the body of the Earth.
Is not the planet showing us it is stressed and overwhelmed?
Is it not manifesting the same disharmony that evidences “illness”?
Why then do we continue to push our rapacious “business as usual” upon the systems and resources of the earth?
Why are we continuing to try and grow and create and build, when clearly we should be surrendering to stillness?
Why are we not making the degree of change our collective body is evidencing we need to make?
The world needs to stop, slowdown, surrender to simplicity and stillness – to come back to the Heart for re-balance and healing. We simply cannot continue “business as usual” – for this evidences complete lack of observation of what is happening to our shared body – it demonstrates wilful ignorance!
It is a collective madness that is the opposite of Heart Based Authenticity!
When a health crisis happens, do you try to keep doing day-to-day exactly the same way?
Why then are we as a people, we the human race – and especially those of us living in The First World who are the main drivers of the pollution and destruction of the ecosystem – why are we Not responding to this Planetary Health Crisis in needed measure!?
I’ll tell you why…
Because we are addicted to our comfort!!
We have gotten fat, figuratively and literally, on comfort and ease.
We have forgotten that “just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should”! That because we can have something, doesn’t mean we must!
We have allowed ourselves to become so addicted to extreme luxury, that we have become blind to the fact it is unsustainable.
We have become so fat on indulging our senses that we have also created the apathy of the addict – and like a true addict, we will sooner kill ourselves to satisfy the addiction, than to make the needed changes to heal.
As Greta Thunberg has said many months ago, “we need to act like the house is on fire, because it is” – and now as if these words were prophecy, the Earth is Burning!
Fattening greed and extreme lifestyle indulgence is ravaging the planet. Can you hear it cry, as it dies!?
Are you totally oblivious to the number of species going extinct every day – some estimates are as grim as 200 species per day. Extinct! There’s no return from extinction, there is no coming back.
Will we ever wake up from our addiction based stupor?
My Heart bleeds for the loss, the destruction and the scale of human ignorance, and “justified” apathy! It is staggering.
“Sorry, I’m too busy, I can’t stop focusing on manifesting my million dollars, and helping others do the same, this is my Soul Calling.”
I call Bullshit!
No Soul – the epitome and expression of Universal Love – would direct a human to take so much, when the body it dwells on needs them to be giving. Create a modest income sure, but do not perpetuate the lies of commercialism!
Find your Heart, for clearly you are suffering illusion if you believe your Heart would guide you to greed – no matter how you dress it up.
The body of the earth is in duress – we need to come together, to pool our Love, our Wisdom, our Hearts and all of our Energy. We need to change the very systems that are destroying our world and encouraging you to be a part of the problem; by lying, and telling you the extreme behaviours of self-interest and selfish greed are part of the solution.
Find yourself, your authentic self – yes!
But do not be led into illusion and be deceived by those peddling and perpetuating thinly disguised greed.
Be Loving – yes!
Give freely and exact not massive rewards for your kindness.
Modesty, humility, respect – remember these values?
Harmlessness, wisdom, generosity of spirit – what about these!?
These are all values of the Heart.
In this age of unchecked mind, pride, sloth, greed, selfishness, dishonesty and utter disrespect; these are all easily dressed up and sold to the public as desirable – and for a tidy fee I might add.
So open your eyes and see.
But more importantly open your Heart, open to your Heart.
Be not afraid of the discomfort true change brings – embrace your fortitude.
Be emboldened to take the needed steps.
And let us make change together – in Love!
Q: What type of change do we need to make?
In my fiery opinion, we need total and personal evaluation of every aspect of our lives, to ensure they are all aligned to, and embodying, Heart Based Values – and then take bold and creative action wherever they are not.
We need to do this personally, yes. But collectively even more so.
We cannot use the excuses that it is “the system” or “society” – we are both.
If we want lives of Love – We Must Change – despite the discomfort.
Nothing less will suffice.
Where there is harm being caused by your choices – change it!
Where you are lacking in kind benevolence – give more!
Where you are indulging your senses and greed – be grateful with less!
Where your deep fears are causing you to manifest pride – find and embody humility!
If you do not know where you are truly at – get informed!
Come back to the Heart.
Come back to Shared Love.
Find once more true Lovingkindness and Dispassionate Compassion.
Take off your blinkers and finally see.
You can be the solution… if you come back to simple Heart Based Living and Giving!
“The rich must live more simply, so the poor may simply live.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
In Love
Azure Seer