We are all Far Greater than we think!
We have unlimited capacity to Love – because We Are Love, in Form.
We have unlimited capacity to Illuminate – because We Are Light, in Form.
Are we not The Divine made manifest – in all its omnipotent glory – if we could but remember ourselves? That is, re-member our beingness, to see ourselves in our Divine Wholeness, instead of identifying as the smallest most dense fragment of SELF.
I believe it’s past time people stop identifying As their bodies, and shift their centre of consciousness into their Hearts – where no sex, gender or racial divides exist – just the purity of our Spiritual Connectedness!
We are after all, Spiritual Beings in Human Forms. Therefore from this deep and Universal space of Oneness, let us create a truly Heart Based Culture… where Genuine Equality, the Spirit of Generosity, and Radical Kindness are the keynotes.
Yes. Let us be KIND to one another!
Let us Think with Gentleness.
Let us Speak to create Nurture.
Let us Act with True Caring.
Let us strive to live Impeccably from the Heart – in Thought, Word and Deed!
We Are One…… Let’s start Loving like it!