Vulnerability is not victimhood!
Victimhood is surrendering to the power of another.
Vulnerability is surrendering to your own inner power – the Oceanic Love that connects us all.
These types of surrender are worlds apart!
Victimhood is an act of fear, of believing yourself weak, denying the truth of who you are – that is – a vast and mighty spirit in form.
Vulnerability is an act of trust in the radiatory Light of the Spirit that you are.
Victim Consciousness forges and perpetuates cycles of abuse. If you believe yourself a victim, you actively cut yourself off from the vast power within you. This makes your vibration magnetically attractive to that of a perpetrator. Just as the vibratory radiation of a perpetrator is magnetically alluring to someone running victim narratives. Perpetrators and Victims are drawn to each other due to magnetic resonance!
Vulnerability on the other hand, forges truly Heart Based Connections. It is the Stance of the Bold – owning all of who you are. Knowing that if you radiate this deep Authenticity, naught but Genuine and Authentic Relationships can be drawn in magnetically.
So own who you truly are. Stand in this power. And unapologetically radiate – without censorship or diminishing of any kind – and thereby become a source of Authentic Living Light in our world!
You are Much Needed.