On Sickness Patterns and Sympathetic Alignments

All wellness or sickness is a matter of Vibration!

Based on millennia of observational data from diverse cultures and times, it is believed by many that all sickness that manifests in our body is the result of discordant, disempowering thoughts and desires. i.e. all dis-ease starts in the mind, moves into the emotions and then affects the patterns in our etheric or vital body, where it then appears in our dense physical sheaths. Be that patterns that appear to arise from within us like arthritis, cancer or fibromyalgia; or patterns that create the perfect environment for bacteria or viruses to invade, dwell and thrive within us – thereby rolling out the welcome mat.

It has also be seen that when one is dwelling in clear, vibrant patterns over a duration, the psychology and then all of the bodies also become, and stay, clear and vibrant.
Therefore the thoughts, beliefs and values that we primarily entertain or dwell in – manifest patterns that inhabit our bodies.

The two primary states of imbalance

There are two fundamental conditions of unwell-ness we can create within us, congestion and inflammation.

What we see with congestive states of consciousness, like sadness, apathy or poor me psychology, is all manner of congestive based illnesses – manifesting due to blockage.
What we see with inflammatory states of consciousness, such as anger, criticism or overexcitement, is a host of inflammation based illnesses – manifesting due to aggravation.
All illnesses or conditions can be categorised into either pattern.

With each conditioned pattern, in order to bring the body back into balance, we need to cultivate the positive opposite of it.
So with inflammation we need to soothe, calm and cool, to create balance.
With congestion we need to energise, stimulate and warm up, to create balance.
But further, if we wish to solve the problem at its root, and not just band-aid the symptoms – we must also rebalance the mind and psychology.

The more severe the manifestation of illness or disease – the more deeply embedded into one’s nature lies the pattern – and usually the longer the pattern has been present. Therefore both, the more work it will take to release the old and rewrite the new pattern, and also the more inherent to one’s nature the limiting pattern will be. Which means the person will be more deeply invested in it, but it will also be essentially invisible to them!

Now to Deep Dive!

The thoughts that populate our minds come from several sources:

  • Ruminations on our Pasts – a great many of our thoughts.
  • Commentary on everything we interact with moment to moment – likely the majority of our thoughts.
  • Thoughts being “programmed” into us from the media, marketing and advertising worlds.
  • If we have embraced Heart Based Living and are aspiring “Upwards”, we may hear thoughts from our Higher Self.
  • And also we receive thoughts from the inner plane beings (both positive and negative) with whom we are in alignment – due to similar vibrational patterns!
Ready for the rabbit hole Alice…?

If our thoughts manifest patterns that create sickness within us, therefore the beings of malevolent intent and sickness, with whom we set up sympathetic alignments, can rain down more thoughts of the same kind or nature and we can therefore find ourselves in a thought-storm of such an order that it can manifest, prolong, or increase the severity of any pattern of illness within us!
And due to our compromised state of wellness, we are even less likely than usual to be able to perceive these beings, or perceive any difference between their thoughts and our own!
Yes, I heard that collective gulp!!

However the opposite is also true. If we entertain and hold to thoughts that are radiant, Love-based and truly beautiful – then we will set up sympathetic alignments with genuinely benevolent inner plane beings. The Great Masters and so-called Saints – along with those who serve them.

Like attracts like – so unhelpful, low-vibration, or truly helpful, high-vibration thought patterns that we entertain, draw to us beings who embody those same patterns – both here in the physical, and also within the inner realms. Holding these thoughts, opens the door and welcomes these beings, their thoughts and their energies within us!
This sympathy of likeness then sets up an amplifying resonance, so that both the low-grade being and the unhelpful patterns within us, or the high-grade being and helpful patterns within us, get amplified!

Yes, our lack of disciplined self-mastery creates optimum conditions for the patterns of illness to manifest within us. That is, until and unless we choose to change our vibration. Until we make changes in thought, emotion, and action, that lift our vibration higher – therefore breaking the low-grade resonance, and instead resonating with authentic beings of Love and Light and Power.

Every action we take (or do not) either raises, holds steady, or lowers our vibration.

Action is needed at All levels!

In choosing change, I like the “100% approach”.
Therefore I choose to make higher-vibratory changes at all levels of my Being.

For me, this looks like the following…

I choose high-vibration alkalinity – ever striving to better embody the lifestyle habits that support this.
I choose to avoid causing harm wherever I am able – as this aligns me with Universal Love – essentially the highest vibration there is.
I choose to avoid all things that lower my vibration or acidify my body – processed/denatured or cooked foods as much as possible, refined white flours and sugars, animal products, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, coffee, and black tea.

I choose balance. Not acting out overexpression, nor suppression of my feelings – as neither of these are helpful.
I choose higher emotive states like peacefulness, joy, aspiration, smiling.
When I see I’m manifesting less helpful states – I open to them fully and embrace the feeling without judgement – as feelings are to be felt. What we resist, persists. So opening to the state fully, allows the experience to be had and thereby transmuted most rapidly. Resisting it makes it last longer, and actually empowers the state.
I choose dispassionate compassion – which is actually a quality of the Heart and emotions combined.
I am also very selective about the quality of music I listen to – I choose to avoid coarse, aggressive music and songs about tumultuous emotions and self-defeating thoughts, wherever possible.

I choose to counter any negative limiting thoughts with their positive opposites – thus empowering positive expansiveness within me.
I choose to cultivate nonjudgement.
I choose thoughts that mirror and embody the principles of the Heart – harmlessness, wisdom, benevolence, aspiration and dispassion.
I am selective about what I put into my mind. I try to avoid horrific films and most definitely the News – as much as is possible. Instead I choose things that are light, inspiring or beautiful.

In essence I try to choose my diet at all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally – what goes into my body, emotions, and mind. And especially, what does not! I consciously choose my “trinity diet”.

All of these choices alter and lift my vibration, closer to Love and closer to the positive, Heart Based, inner plane beings and Great Masters whom I wish to model myself upon.

The higher my vibration, the smaller the gap of discord between my personality self and my Higher Self; between my day-to-day consciousness and Divine Consciousness – therefore the more aligned I am to the vibrations of radiant wellness that is Love. The more sun-like (selflessly giving) I become, the more fiery my energies – such that more and more lower-grade substance gets burned up within my auric field – leaving me untouched! Mmmm

We truly are what we eat – but on all levels.

Tools for Transformation:

Q: Is your trinity diet one of high-vibration – offering the best chance for vitality and thriving?
Or is it low-vibration due to consuming too much death – dead ‘foods’, deathly emotions, and killer thoughts? Food with little to no vitality, emotional states not cultivated but let loose to ravage, and thoughts that are not aligned to Love, therefore not aligned to growth and evolution but death and decay!
Is your consciousness aligned to Love, Light and thriving growth; or Fear, Darkness and self-consuming decomposition?

Are you living as a being of Light or Darkness? What does your vibrational rate, emotional state, your psychology, conceptology, and your sickness/wellness actually therefore reveal?

Are you living – with truly conscious choices, or are you existing – with frequently unconscious reactions?

Are you a radiant Heart Based Influencer, or are you the dull prey of Fear Based Predators?

Onwards and upwards!!

I will leave you now with one final contemplation… on Focus.

Q: Are you a thriving Human-Plant?
Do you turn your face, and your leaves (your greatest organ of collection, your skin) occasionally and gently to the sun – the source of all Pranic vitality?
Both literally for short periods of clear light, but without redness, browning or burning; and figuratively toward the internal Sun that is the source of all life?

Q: Are you rooted to the Earth?
Do you walk barefoot on the Earth now and then? Do you lie on the ground and reconnect to your Mother?
Do you reach with your consciousness to the Heart of the Earth to forge alignment with the Great Heartbeat?

Q: Do you nurture your form with food and fluids that create high alkalinity and the conditions for thriving, or do you torture your form with substances it can “cope with”?
Are you eating a whole-foods, mostly raw, plant-based diet? (The optimum nutrition for Human-Plants!)
Are you consuming fluids that create alkalinity and hydration, or those that create acidity and rape the body of its nutrition?

Q: Do you have your gaze lifted and fixed on the Soul-ar Light that is your future self, or is your head down-turned, dwelling in the reactions and patterns of your past – that which is now gone and lingers in your shadow?
Do you keep your eyes forward, your Heart Fires stoked, Gratitude ever within your consciousness, and “Generosity of Spirit” guiding your every step?
Or are you caught up self-focused pity, the poverty consciousness of what you can get rather than what you can give, your focus forever like a “half-empty glass”, dwelling in problems with sullen eyes?

Really… Where do you choose to focus?
Knowing that where you put your attention, is what you empower!
What is the reality you are dwelling in and therefore empowering as your creation?
With what and whom are you in Sympathetic Alignment!?

In Deeper Hope

Azure Seer

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