What you Want you will Never Have!
Energy is Power.
Wanting power is to affirm weakness – powerlessness!
Wanting energy is to affirm lack – scarcity!
For we want that which we believe we do not have. If we had it, we would not want it!
Energy, power, is. It is abundant all around you. You are power. You are energy.
As we know, whatever we can conceive and believe we can achieve. We CAN achieve – why?
Because we have access to, in fact are, Universal Energy and Power in motion.
Wherever we “Focus” our awareness we create – automatically.
We do not need to petition the universe for the energy – it flows where we focus – because we are focalisers of force – we ARE focalisers – already!
You already ARE a “reality making machine”
Everything around you is all a manifestation of the power and force that you are.
You already have all the energy and all the power in the universe at your dispose.
On whatever you focus your attention – manifests! For you are the universe manifest in form.
So why would you waste time trying to accrue energy, or power?
As soon as you focus on what it is you truly desire, all of creation works, with its unlimited energy, to bring it into being.
To pursue energy, implies you do not have it – if you did, you would not pursue it.
To desire it affirms by your actions that it is lacking in your life!
To seek it is not therefore wisdom in action, but ignorance and denial of who you truly are!
You Are Already Omnipotent!
You had all the energy you needed to create the reality you already experience – every little detail of it.
Why would this change merely because you are consciously choosing what you want to create. If anything, surely your conscious focus actually channels more universal energy into what you wish to create!?
So the question I have for you is this…
Q: What is it you aspire to create in the world – what is it your Heart would enjoy doing, experiencing or creating with the universal energy at your dispose?
Put your focus on THIS – and automatically all the universal energy supply, that you are a focaliser of, will be poured into its creation – automatically!
For this is who and what you are.
Truth: Money is Materialised Power
Remember now, that Money is simply energy.
So let us read all the above again – substituting the word Energy with the word Money.
And you too shall see the Truth – clarity shall be yours!
The Money you Want you will Never Have
“Money is Power.
Wanting power is to affirm weakness – powerlessness!
Wanting money is to affirm lack – scarcity!
For we want that which we believe we do not have. If we had it, we would not want it!
Money, power, is. It is abundant all around you. You are power. You are money.
As we know, whatever we can conceive and believe we can achieve. We CAN achieve – why?
Because we have access to, in fact are, Universal Money and Power in motion.
Wherever we “Focus” our awareness we create – automatically.
We do not need to petition the universe for the money – it flows where we focus – because we are focalisers of force – we ARE focalisers – already!
You already ARE a “reality making machine”
Everything around you is all a manifestation of the power and force that you are.
You already have all the money and all the power in the universe at your dispose.
On whatever you focus your attention – manifests! For you are the universe manifest in form.
So why would you waste time trying to accrue money, or power?
As soon as you focus on what it is you truly desire, all of creation works, with its unlimited money, to bring it into being.
To pursue money, implies you do not have it – if you did, you would not pursue it.
To desire it affirms by your actions that it is lacking in your life!
To seek it is not therefore wisdom in action, but ignorance and denial of who you truly are!
You Are Already Omnipotent!
You had all the money you needed to create the reality you already experience – every little detail of it.
Why would this change merely because you are consciously choosing what you want to create. If anything, surely your conscious focus actually channels more universal money into what you wish to create!?
So the question I have for you is this…
Q: What is it you aspire to create in the world – what is it your Heart would enjoy doing, experiencing or creating with the universal money at your dispose?
Put your focus on THIS – and automatically all the universal money supply, that you are a focaliser of, will be poured into its creation – automatically!
For this is who and what you are.”
- Of course when I speak of consciously placing your awareness and focus on your goal, and what you aspire to create; a part of the journey to enable and allow you to do so – fully and completely – will entail identifying and clearing any and all blocks and limiting patterns you have within you (covering who you truly are) – any beliefs that are in opposition to your goal! This will require shifting from the fear end of the vibrational spectrum – into the frequencies of Love. From your low-vibrational self to your high-vibrational True Self.
- Money is just materialised energy, and energy is truly abundant, unlike the Earth’s natural resources. Therefore what we spend our money or energy on must be chosen with Love and Wisdom – every choice has its consequences, and a Love Based Being always considers the greater consequences to All Life.
Tools for Transformation
With every action you consider taking you could ask this simple question…
Q: What would Love do?
Hint on what Love would do…
How would you like life and others to Treat You – Really?
Will any Harm be created by this action?
Love and Harmlessness are truly one, hence a Heart Based Person always considers the big picture effects of every cause we initiate. We therefore think Terra to Terra or Cradle to Cradle – always Full Circle!
Empowered Clarity
Azure Seer