Distorted Truths are an Easy Feast for Spiritual Ignorance
When I hear folk talking about Ascension, what I find amusing, is that they speak of us moving from 3D to 5D, totally leaving out any mention of 4D! For them it simply does not exist, and so they are ignoring the obvious “next step”.
Even more amusing are those who talk about us moving to far higher dimensions 8D, 9D etc. – and again the same issue. They think we are somehow going to leapfrog over everything in between.
Whatever happened to logical progression, to one foot in front of the other, and to taking one step at a time? Whatever happened to clear co-measurement to ascertain if the concept could even hold up to the light of truth?
Glamour and illusion is what happened!
People have let themselves get swept up in fanciful, delusional, and totally inaccurate ideas – because they want to escape their current reality, and want it “All Now”.
Yes, the 4th Dimension has been totally ignored and abandoned.
Let’s Start with Accuracy!
In esoteric terminology we refer to “Planes of Perception”, as opposed to “Dimensions” – as the word dimensions can simply be a reference to something’s physical measurements.
However, if we were to ignore this alternate physical meaning, and suppose that the term dimensions refers to the Planes, and then overlayed them, they would associate like this:
• 1D would be the Physical plane
• 2D would be the Astral plane
• 3D would be the Mental plane
• 4D the Buddhic plane
• 5D the Atmic plane
One can very easily see by this that the concept of Humanity shifting to 5D Consciousness is farcical! Most humans have not even anchored their consciousness into the top 3 subplanes of the Mental plane, hence achieving Soul Fusion. Less have achieved Buddhic 4D Consciousness, hence operating from pure Intuition – not to be mistaken for psychic feeling perceptions that emanate from the Astral plane. And those anchored into and operating from the 5th Plane are what we call Masters of Wisdom – adepts having achieved their 5th Initiation.
Humans in general are still working for their 1st Initiation, and as such have not yet collectively demonstrated right relations to sex, money, and material comforts – the 3 primary components of this Initiation and the 1st Dimension.
So No… Humanity is not about to Awaken or Ascend into the 5th Dimension! There is still Much Work ahead of them before they will achieve such a lofty awakening.
Another Way of Counting
If however we consider the Dimensions from the perspective that both the physical and mental planes are divided into two distinct sections, dividing their 7 subplanes into 3 and 4, we could associate the numbering like this:
• 1D is the lower 3 subplanes of the Physical plane, the solid, liquid and gas states
• 2D is the higher 4 subplanes of the Physical plane, the etheric subplanes
• 3D is the Astral plane, whose subplanes are not divided into 4 and 3
• 4D is the lower 4 subplanes of the Mental plane, the concrete mind
• 5D is the higher 3 subplanes of the Mental plane, the abstract mind, and dwelling place of the Soul
Then this idea of 5D consciousness, although still far beyond the majority, as it requires achieving the 1st through to 3rd Initiations – hence mastery of body, emotions and mind – is a good place to focus!
To turn in the seat of consciousness, away from the Lower Planes and towards the Soul, will open the way to Awakening to and eventual fusion with the Soul. And this is something within the reach of all earnest seekers, in one life or another.
In either numbering, whether 4D is the Buddhic Plane and realm of pure Intuition, or 5D is the Abstract Mind and dwelling place of the Soul – there is great value in aspiring to either level of perception, for in both cases these planes are known for their collective, universality. The Kingdom of Souls works as a unity, with all plans exquisitely inter-coordinated. And the Buddhic plane, being the midpoint between the 3 lower and 3 higher planes, reflects all through it, thereby operating as a place of vast unity.
Let us Rebuild, rather than Run Away!
In our world today, if there is a need for anything, it is Unity Consciousness, or a shattering of separatism, and embodiment of Universal Love.
We don’t need to escape (to higher planes, or dimensions) from the ugly, separative, hate and judgement filled world we have created – No! We need to own our collective creation, to instead focus on the commonalities we share with our brothers and sisters, to take responsibility, to stand in our authentic selves, and choose to remake the world – built on respect, harmlessness, lovingkindness, freedom, peace, and goodwill to all life.
To do this, we need to be open to change, and most importantly to genuine Wisdom!
Until “Right Human Relations” are truly universal,
there shall be no Trumpeting Angels heralding a Golden Age!
In the end, it does not matter if we use the words Dimension or Planes of Perception. What matters is that we work towards the Heart Based Actions of Right Human Relations. That we foster Love and simple Kindness, and abandon our pursuits of power over, and profit at any cost.
We must each hold ourselves accountable to the Heart, and not the ever-changing emotions, lacking reason and higher insight.
In truth, it does not matter what thoughts you use or how you justify hate, cruelty, violence and greed – these are abominable behaviours – embodiments of the darkest that humanity is capable of! It’s time we all grow up and put these immature qualities aside. It’s time we embrace our Inner Light, and instead choose to be Good and Kind people – right here in 3D!
Tools for Transformation
These T4T’s are not going to focus on escaping 3D to 5D, nor evade all we truly need to do here; but instead to draw our focus to our Hearts, and Love in Action – for this is the most direct path to embodying Higher Consciousness!
What is the correct and Heart Based relationship to money?
How can money be used to benefit all life and the planet?
Seated within my Heart… How should I see and relate to sex?
What does sex look and feel like when it is an expression of Love, genuine deep attraction, and true caring?
What level of material comforts can the earth truly sustain, if everyone was to live at that standard?
Can I live with less?
Where can I simplify my life, so I live more lightly on the earth?
In what ways can I change my diet, to cause less harm to myself, the animals and the planet?
For aspiring and striving higher:
What are the qualities of the Soul?
What patterns within my Personality are my weakest and most low-vibrating? What actions do I therefore need to take to heal, release, and develop better patterns, thus opening the way to Soul-ar Consciousness?
What are the signposts that reveal what my Soul intended for this lifetime?
In what ways do they differ from my current direction?
What actions do I need to take to course-correct?
What abstract principles interest me, and what would be possible if I were to hold my focus on them? Examples might be: peace, nonviolence, joy, harmlessness, Love, generosity, beauty, lovingkindness, detachment, or dispassionate compassion.
What areas of global life are filled with suffering? Is there any action I can take to help?
All of these Power Questions will point your conscious awareness away from concepts of Higher-Vibrational Existence, and into the place you can directly experience it!!
All Power to you – Here and Now!
Azure Seer