On Solar Eclipses and Mass Beliefs

Are Solar Eclipses Truly significant?

There is a lot of hype about the spiritual significance of a solar eclipse, especially a total solar eclipse. Is this hype justified, or have modern new age folks once again gotten swept up in sensationalism and distorted principles? I will share the case for the latter, by looking at the physical mechanism of a solar eclipse, the symbolic and energetic reality, and some elucidating correspondences.

I would have thought an explanation of the physical process to be utterly unnecessary, however, due to some people in the USA believing this eclipse means the “End Times,” I see that irrational superstition is still present, and therefore, the basics are indeed needed!

The Physical Event

For what we call a “Solar Eclipse” to happen, the moon is in the new moon position, between the earth and the sun, and temporarily blocks some of the sun’s light, casting a shadow upon the face of the earth. As the earth spins, we experience the shadow as making a path somewhere on the luminous daytime side of the planet. This means, for a short window of time we get a tiny bit more shadow or almost night on the sunny side of the earth.

When our location on earth faces away from the sun, we experience the darkness we call nighttime. Despite our current experience of darkness, the sun is still radiating its life-giving energies upon and into the earth, just on the opposite side. Therefore, regardless of its spin, the planet as a whole is always receiving the same energies from the sun.

This day and night cycle is a bit like breathing – an in-breath followed by an out-breath to keep the whole earth alive. All perfectly as it should be for a living being.
This is all there is to it at a physical level.

What People Feel

Many people appear to feel great positively empowering or negatively disturbing potency at and around the times of a solar eclipse. Why is this?
Let’s explore…

  1. We have a new moon, and whenever there are full or new moons, particular celestial energies are stronger due to the alignment of the sun, moon, and earth.
  1. There are aeons worth of human projected beliefs and emotions about eclipses – now amplified through global communications – and as humans, to a degree, experience what they believe, these celestial events ever grow in magnitude for, and because of, anyone who believes they are significant.

This leaves us with the question: Are people truly feeling energies originating from and because of the celestial alignment event, or are they feeling the power of the amassed thoughts about eclipses, within the human collective consciousness?

Truth Verses Illusion

It is true that in our modern materialistic world many people lack a deeper sense of belonging, meaning, and purpose within themselves and their lives. It is also true that humans have an innate tendency towards meaning making – sometimes driven by a sense of desperation, pain, or extreme lack. These folks see and project significance onto and into things where no such significance exists. This is a poor use of the human creative imagination – used without healthy discernment or balanced with co-measurement.

There is a vast difference between Reality and human thoughts About Reality, and yet the two are seldom recognised as different. Because of this, a great travesty of conflation-empowered illusion is beset upon the world. If we do not realise there is a difference between two things, our perception, knowledge, and awareness will lack in accuracy, and truth shall forever evade us.

When many humans share a singular idea, and that idea is broadcast and taken up by many others, and this continues for some time, the human-created thoughtform takes on a life of its own, it has been given an enduring existence. If we are not skilled with our inner perceptions, if we even know to check, we can easily take the illusion to be the Real – and thus, even more energy is added to the thoughtform! Symbols, patterns, and uncommon events are very prone to such projections.

Symbolism and Energies

The sun is the Source of Life and symbol of the Heart.
Just as we continue to love someone even when they go to work or away on holiday, the sun does not stop giving luminous love when our region of the earth turns away. Likewise, whether awake or asleep, our heart continues beating to keep us alive, and the earth continues receiving the life-giving energies the sun rays down at all times – day and night.

At subtle levels, the energies of the inner sun fully envelop and permeate the entire earth – and solar system – at all times. In fact, we must remember that all higher or inner energies fully interpenetrate everything vibrating at a lower rate – the physical body, even that of a moon, is no barrier to greater inner force! While physically, the measurable forces fluctuate according to the activity of the physical sun, the energetic reality is one of constancy because the earth exists within and is part of the greater solar systemic body. Our planet can never receive less than the inner sun radiates!

The New Moon and Us

Full and New Moons always bring in a little more extraplanetary energies due to the alignments – geometry has a measure of power to it. When we have a total solar or lunar eclipse, we have precise alignment, and therefore a fully open door. With this comes a slight increase in the energies pouring through the sun. This is all the moon position affords – nothing else!

However, it must be remembered that the nature and impact these incoming energies will have upon us, depends largely upon how they are filtered by us, where we receive them, and where they travel within us. All extraplanetary energies we receive are coloured and qualified as they pass through our planetary energetic field, the human-created collective astral or emotional fog and thought-o-sphere surrounding the planet, and also, our personal mental and emotional auras – not to mention, the field of the being whose body is the earth itself.

Energy always follows the line of least resistance. Therefore, if we are an emotionally polarised person, the incoming energies will primarily impact us emotionally – adding force to our reactionary nature and further reducing our objectivity and discernment.

If we are more of a mentally polarised person, then any impacts will be less felt but more registered within the mind. While this may seem like it would be less impacting, the greater incoming force can strengthen or concretise our thinking and beliefs, making us more prone to mental extremism and rigidity of mind.

If we are more consciously aware of the incoming energies, like with all things we consciously engage, we can better navigate the impacts they will have upon us – allowing us to stay essentially detached and objective. But this requires clear knowledge, freedom from glamour and superstition, and a good measure of self-control.

Clear Discernment

With a full or total solar eclipse, for those in what we call “the path of totality,” the shadow or darkness is so dense, it is almost as if day becomes night – an eerie experience to be sure – but is this truly a cause for concern or alarm?

For those of us who do not suffer from a separative myopic view of life – we who realise we live on a vast singular globe – we tend to observe from a perspective of objective wholeness, and this affords greater wisdom. We can see the relationship of the whole earth to the sun, beyond what is occurring at any tiny individual location.

We who have at least a basic command of our minds and thinking do not fear nighttime, when our location on earth spins away from the sun, so why would we fear a tiny transitory lunar shadow? Just because night happens once every 24 hours, new moons 13 times a year, whereas total solar eclipses happen way less frequently, is no cause for abandoning simple observation, clear discernment, and a wholistic viewpoint.

Until relatively recently, before we had confirmed knowledge of the simple celestial movements and cycles, when humanity was more ruled by superstition, the sun turning dark terrified the common person. Such shared fears loom large within the collective consciousness, or perhaps more accurately, the collective unconscious. Fears, especially mass fears, tend to linger when they are repeatedly engaged, and therefore, are perpetually reenergised by many people for centuries. These types of ancient lingering fears can still impact and trigger the emotionally polarised people of today. Yes, astoundingly, modern day people can still fall victim to age-old collective human fears.

Focus Determines Experience

If we want to know the truth of something, and want to experience it as it truly is, we need to free ourselves from the low-vibrational parts of the collective consciousness – the emotionally-seated and reactionary herd mentality. And instead, align our awareness with the high-vibrational unified wisdom field within the collective – which, sadly, appears to be un-accessed by many. This field, by its nature, is detached, objective, and uncorrupted by humanity, and therefore requires conscious effort to reach and align with. It does, afterall, lie beyond the realm of human-created illusions covered earlier in this article.

It is your choice to what you create alignment with, collective irrational fear or greater shared wisdom. Our focus will largely determine what we experience.

Shattering Fear and Reclaiming Power

To demonstrate the irrational nature of the current Solar Eclipse Fear, and help liberate you from it, let us consider this correspondence…

When you temporarily put up a hand to shield your eyes from the bright sun, casting a shadow upon your face, are you truly creating a condition where your health or wellbeing, your psychology, or your energies, are at risk of some genuinely deleterious effect? Of course not. And if you do this multiple times, shading the same place, is there a greater chance of danger? Again, No! Therefore, if we are totally safe experiencing a little extra shade, why wouldn’t the planet be?!

Even if something unfortunate was present within the moon’s shadow – which there is not, the shade is totally benign – are we not considering the experience of but a tiny portion of humanity and area of the earth’s surface? Wisdom, reason, and commonsense tells us that the experience of a small part must never be projected onto or conflated with the experience of the whole. The truth of the part must never be mistaken for the truth of the whole!
I state this without supporting herd mentality, and without denying that sometimes Universal Truth is perceived by the few and not the many. The above distinction is made at a systemic level and is not about the limited experience of a small number of myopic people lacking in broad awareness and clear thinking. If a cloud passes above an individual casting a show upon them, the fact they are in darkness and have reduced vision is not automatically true for all others, who may be standing in clear bright light!

If you think small, as an individual, in a small location upon our great globe, you will lose the wisdom of the greater whole, and hence, not only be prone to irrational reactive fear, but likely to experience it frequently. A tiny part is only powerful when aligned to the greater whole it is a part of.

Once again, we can clearly see how holding our minds and emotions steady, while cultivating the wisdom of an expanded view, protects us from irrational thinking, unwarranted sensationalism, superstition, and fear.

Clearly, many people are seeking meaning and understanding in life, but this will not be found in fear-driven, glamour-distorted, superstitious ideas that have not been subject to wise discernment. Think globally and inclusively with co-measurement, and vast grounded Love-Wisdom and Clear Insight will be yours!

May you all enjoy this spectacular celestial event – Fearlessly!
Azure Seer

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4 thoughts on “On Solar Eclipses and Mass Beliefs”

  1. Yes – the hysteria in some regarding the solar eclipse was quite remarkable. It was even more pronounced this year. People expecting profound ‘downloads’ or daft messages of doom and gloom reminded me a bit of the so called Millennium bug which was predicted to throw us all into confusion and disarray – nothing bad happened at all as far as I can remember. I enjoyed reading your article – probably because I agreed with what you wrote. Thanks

    1. Hello Sally,
      I am glad my article spoke to you, and for sure, we enjoy reading things that support our point of view – especially when the perspective we share is steeped in grounded wisdom, reason, and common sense!

      Yes, the hysteria was ridiculous this time around. I suspect that was because the eclipse was happening in USA.
      Ah yes, the good old Y2K Bug… that was a big fizzler. LOL

      I also saw this year people believing “The Rapture” was going to happen – another very amusing phenomenon to observe playing out. I wonder how people who are convinced something is going to happen, make heaps of public noise about it, and yet nothing happens, cope with the days that follow? I wonder how their psychology adapts to it, or doesn’t? I would love to interview such a person!

      And thank you… you have just given me an idea for another topic that really does need exploring and addressing – “Downloads,” Upgrades, Activations, and all the other things people think happen with alignments, whether celestial, number groupings, or otherwise. There is such a prevalence of Spiritual Glamour sweeping the world these days!

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