An Important Note:
It is not my intention to belittle or understate the violence, harm and suffering inflicted on beings incarnate into the forms of women, children, or any particular group of people or animals in our world – on the contrary. It is my intention to point your awareness to an inner reservoir of greater fortitude and potency within you – that you may have greater chance of bringing positive change to our world!!
Let us continue…
You are not your body – so it stands to reason that you are not your gender, your sex, your sexuality, or your nationality! All of these definitions are identities attached to your body – the most dense, lowest vibratory part of your personality vehicle. All of which you, the being you truly are, will discard at the end of this life.
Do you identify as your clothing?
Do you really think this frock you wear is who you are?
Why then would you limit your identity to your body? You, we, are so much more than this!
As spiritual beings we must ever strive to weed out the limitations in our consciousness – especially those of the material world. Remember, spirituality exalted over materiality – this is the way of the conscious. This means we remain detached from any and all identifications with the physical realm.
Love has No Gender!
The Heart, to be Heart, does not speak as woman, as man, nor even as Masculine or Feminine. These monikers are colourings we add to Love. Qualifying, and therefore limiting it. Love is Universal. Love is Boundless, and expresses the All. When the Heart awakens, it does not see men and women – it sees humanity – Souls incarnate.
If you feel Love or your Heart awakening within you, it is not the man or woman that is awakening – for this is just your body. Does a frock awaken?
You may feel a masculine or feminine energy awakening inside you, but this too is not the Heart – the masculine and feminine are complimentary energies aligned to Love, two parts of the Divine Trinity – Father and Mother.
Remembering that the Divine Trinity, esoterically understood, is Father Son Mother or: Will or Power, Love Wisdom, and Active Intelligence respectively.
Love is where Father and Mother meet, it is the Child/Son/Sun aspect. It is the product of the union – and paradoxically grows to hold within itself both Mother and Father.
Our Sex Does Not Define Us!
Regardless the sex of our body, regardless our gender identity, we must all find the inner Masculine and inner Feminine within us, and bring them together, into balanced harmony – only then is Love and true Wisdom born in the Cave of the Heart. Only then does the doorway to Love, and the Great Void, appear.
We must understand the qualities of the Father Force within us – male, female, intersex alike. And likewise understand the qualities of the Mother Force within us. Clearly seeing both for what they are – in truth.
The Power within women (and all humans) is their inner Masculine energy – for Power is a quality of the Divine Father. The Nurturance within men (and all humans) is their inner Feminine energy – for Nurturance is a quality of the Divine Mother. Thank goodness we all have both Masculine and Feminine within us! Such brilliant design.
So, by extrapolation, there is no such thing as Feminine Power or Masculine Nurturance – that is like saying clarifying fog, flourishing to death, or vibrant sickness.
It is our inner Masculine that is our source of power, and our inner Feminine that is our source of nurturance. It is not the sex of our body that defines these – all humans have them!
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge however, that the sex and gender we were ascribed at birth have most certainly conditioned us, within our family and society – giving us each greater or lesser access to our power and our nurture!
It is true in our Modern Western Culture that in general, female-bodied Souls have been allowed their ability to nurture, and denied power. Just as it is true that male-bodied Souls have been denied their nurture and encouraged to embrace their power. What a mess – all of these incarnate beings so conditioned, and limited, and out of balance!
The Evolution of Society
What truly aware people are in fact witnessing in the world is the much-needed rise of the Masculine within women – namely them embracing their inner power; and the rise of the Feminine within men – them embracing their inner nurturance. And both of these awakenings cannot come soon enough!
Women (female-bodied Souls) appear to be leading the way in this rebalancing – claiming their inner power. Men (male-bodied Souls) generally need to do much more work claiming their inner nurture!
However all people would awaken to Love much more expediently, if in their quest to awaken to their potential (that is their Soul Consciousness speaking through their Hearts), they recognised what was actually happening energetically within them. Clear understanding of our Energetic Makeup is the first real step in being able to consciously engage the energies within us.
It is imperative that women understand, it is the Masculine power within them that must awaken and counterbalance their Feminine, setting them free to awaken their Hearts fully – and not judge the Masculine – despite how poorly it has been demonstrated in certain elements of some men’s behaviours. Likewise that men understand it is the Feminine nurturance within them that will counterbalance their power, opening the door to their Hearts – not judging the Feminine as weak because it is not power per se.
We all need the harmonious balancing of our inner Masculine and Feminine, regardless what sex our bodies in this life, regardless what gender we identify as – All of us need to find the Golden Path of Harmony and Balance, that opens the gateway to the void, allowing us to truly awaken our Hearts!
So again I say, liberate yourself from All identities that limit you to some part of yourself – instead embracing the Vast Self that you are!
One final reflection…
While it is true that both emotionally and mentally we have socialised patterns of masculinity and femininity (usually connected to the ascribed sex of our bodies) – neither are in fact limited to one biological sex or the other! Our minds and emotions are not restricted to one set of patterns, and these alone. We know the brain has profound levels of neuroplasticity, and that we can change what and how we think, and therefore the nature of the emotions we experience, as a simple act of will and a little work. So neither the mind nor emotions are limited to our socialisation patterns – they are more or less masculine or feminine – and we can indeed choose freely at this level.
Yes… we can choose to be nurturing or abusive, controlling or supportive towards those around us! This is a choice we can make, and this therefore demonstrates we can consciously mould our masculine and feminine patterns, if we choose to.
We have women with more masculine minds or emotions… and we have men with more feminine minds or emotions. And of course let us not forget the eminently more complex situation of those intersex bodied people on earth!
Masculine and Feminine as far as the human mind can conceive, are not the exclusive propriety of any physical sex, but the product of socialisation.
It is only at the dense physical level – our lowest-vibrational manifestation – that male, female, intersex exists – and this level alone.
Why would you choose to limit your identity to this frock that you wear – when you are in fact a vast and beautiful spirit?!
Consider this…
And reflect on how your identities, chosen and socialised, limit the expression of the Soul that you truly are.
Yes, I implore you to open to the vastness of your Greater Self, through releasing limited identifications or labels such as your sex, gender, sexuality and nationality – for these only represent the most dense and limited part of who you are – You are not your body!
Instead, remember you are spirit incarnate – and lift your identification to this Vaster Self – and then release all other people likewise, by not perceiving them as men, women; heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, asexual; Caucasian, Middle Eastern, African, Asian, Native or Indigenous etc…
Let us all be vast and unique Souls in form, and not homogenise and generalise us as our bodies!
And in so doing, let us collectively pave the Golden Way to the Heart and Universal Love.
To Wisdom, Benevolence, and Harmlessness and Peace for All.
Let us therefore create a truly Heart Based Culture!
In Sight
Azure Seer