What type of connection do you want to share?
In a recent discussion someone said to me, “we’re only human” – with the inference that we should therefore reveal and share our failures, breakdowns and things that have gone wrong… So that others may relate to us more easily.
There may be some value in this… But the questions it raises are:
Q: Why do our failures and mistakes make us more relatable than our shared insights, breakthroughs and successes?!
Q: Why Do humans relate through their shared limitations, shared suffering, rather than relating through their shared greatness, shared love!?
Q: Is it not exponentially better to awaken deep inspiration within people (it is also within all of us), and help them see greater possibilities than they ever imagined?
Q: Could we ever achieve a shared positively empowering connection, if we present ourselves in such a way as to bond in, or through, our shared limitations? Especially considering what we put energy and focus on, energises and empowers it, makes it bigger and more robust. And this would multiply more and more, with more and more focus upon us.
Who do you model?
So… Let me ask this:
Do we follow Masters, Saints and Enlightened Beings because they behave like us, because we relate through shared limitations? Or do they inspire us because they reveal a different and higher way of being, because their consciousness and ways lifts us over and again, out of ourselves, our stuff, our limitations and our suffering – because they expand our awareness to greater and greater vastness!?
Do we therefore wish to model ourselves on the Masters (whom we have the grace of encountering in this life), following their example, and offering help to others – as best we can?
A further question one should definitely consider:
What part of each person is connecting and creating relatability when two (or more) people bond through their failures, pain, suffering etc?
Could it be that it is their Lower Nature (where most dwell), the actual Lunar Pitris that are the Devic substance of our lower forms, reaching out and connecting…?
Could we therefore explore the idea of connecting via our Higher Natures and our Solar Pitris, the Devas of our Soul-ar forms – to bond through shared Breakthroughs, Joy and Love etc…? 🙂
Can we find the shared focus that is the fuel for our Heart Fires – to then embrace this focus so fully, that we set ourselves ablaze so brightly, that we become a source of luminous deep inspiration, such that we can light the path for others to live and dwell in this also… Thereby opening the way to relate to each other in this Aspirational Brilliance, in our True Greatness?!
This is the dream and hope I hold for all folk on the path!
In Love
Azure Seer
Tools for Transformation
Mindful Conversation Exercises
1. When in conversation, a friend starts to share all their woes, listen for a while, but not too long – and when it feels appropriate, ask them these types of question:
“What would you prefer to be experiencing?”
“What is it you really want to happen in your life?”
“What is it that truly inspires you?”
“What brings you the greatest joy?”
This type of focus will shift their attention off what they don’t want, and onto, and therefore empowering, what they do want!
If they are a bit stuck, and are struggling to remember these things, you may be able to assist them by sharing your greatest inspirations – focus particularly on the things that are at the foundation of your friendship.
2. When you are about to catch up with a friend over a nice cuppa or walk etc, plan ahead.
If it feels ok to do so, instead of starting a conversation with all the things weighing you down – think about what it is you truly want in life. Remember why this person is your friend, what great stuff you share – and try focusing on that in your chat.
Share how you’re going with a project, or ask about one of theirs.
Consciously choose the nature of connection you want.
3. Yes – sometimes we really do need to talk through what troubles us!
If this is the case for you, remember to intend the conversation to be about lightening the load through sharing it – with the express intention of using this lightness to explore New Thought Patterns and New Habits of Living. Sometimes it is really great to get feedback and guidance from others – as they might be able to see something you are missing through your lack of objectivity.
So after talking for a short while about what is… shift the direction to solutions at the least, or better still, cultivating a positively empowering mindset together!
Tally Ho!