My Journey – Judgement to Love


Recently I discovered that right in the depths of my personality, programmed in from 2.5 years old onwards, there was a pattern that does not serve me. Like the vast majority I suspect, I have been making nearly every decision based on judgement. Despite all of my awakened spiritual perceptions (so-called), it became clearly apparent that I was still operating, the majority of the time, within the confines of my mind and its essential nature of judgement.
“I like this”, I want more of it.
“I don’t like this”, I want less of it.
This is the fundamental and unconscious operating system of the mind, until and unless it is engaged consciously and augmented by Love. In this fundamental nature is the foundation of the Craving and Aversion dipole that is the source of all human suffering. And so without mastering this pattern, by overwriting it from the Heart, one remains trapped in the ever-self-perpetuating cycles of unconscious cause and effect.

While I am not 100% certain, I believe that based on the state of the world, it seems clear the majority of our population are not operating from Love – if they were the world would be a very different place!

What I am sure of though, is that this fundamental judgement pattern is overwritten by true self-acceptance and genuine self-love! Sadly two qualities I just discovered I have never felt in my life. So therefore I had nothing to compare judgement-based decision making against. And hence I had no idea there was another way to function.

As you may well expect – when I discovered I had never experienced full self-acceptance, but instead was being driven by self-judgement, I was shocked and somewhat shattered. However after many tears, and a healthy dose of surrender, I have begun to explore this “whole new world”.
Today it took the form of a deep inner conversation that I wrote as it happened – as is my usual practice with most inner journeys. It also followed its most common pathway:
I started with some affirmative statements based on self-observation and abstract truth… leading to questions, and then deeper questions… all the way until I end up sitting in an Impeccable Question or two.

I find once I can seek no further questions – the journey to them, and then simply sitting with them, tends to dissolve or resolve the original issue near completely. It is a curious thing how seeking questions rather than answers appears to create far more liberation!

The more I remember and sit in the consciousness of the impeccable questions, the deeper the freedom and clarity that emerges!

Here is my current journey to questions.

A Journey to Love

Do not choose from judgement. From deciding “this is bad and I don’t want it”.
Instead, look at what I truly, authentically, desire – asking what is my preference to have or experience.

It is also not good to choose based on my “perceived lacks”. If I judge something as lacking in my life, and therefore choose to pursue getting it, nothing good will come from this. Wanting only affirms lack!

Q: How do I choose without judgement?
Either judgement of “what is, is bad” – and therefore I want to escape it.
Or judgement of “what is not, is bad” – and therefore I want to fill the hole, or lack.

Q: How can I operate from wholeness?
From my-self as Universal Self, and therefore not needing of anything – for it all (already) exists within me!
How do I live day-to-day in this space, and from this space?
How do I live with and from No Fear – because I am all?
How do I live without resisting or grasping?
Resisting leading to avoidance, escapism and serious addictive distractions.
Grasping leading to striving to fill perceived holes in my life. Therefore this striving being built on an unstable and insubstantial foundation – hence destined to collapse.

Q: How do I stand solidly in who I Am and simply grow from this space? Achieve in the world from this space of radiant self?
Perhaps there is nothing to achieve – but radiating the joy and brilliance of my True Self – and therefore all achievement will follow.
Perhaps it is just simply sharing the perfection of this self to greater and greater degrees…
Can one simply choose to embody the Love that they are, and explore all the ways (or the ways that most appeal), to express and manifest that Love in the world?

Q: How do I best share the perfect Love that I Am??
Q: How do I best manifest into the world, the perfect Love that I Am??

Hmmmm and Mmmmm

When I sit with these questions… I feel centred, expansive, and at peace.
When I sit in this space I do not feel judgement at all – just freedom to be Love in Action! However is right for me to express it.

Glowing in Love

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