Mantra – Gratitude for a Main Meal

These two Mantras are in the form of Words of Thanks – they are an expression of gratitude as well as clear loving intention.
They have the general vibe of the Old World… the feel from European Pagan times.

In the words before we eat, we set a longer, deeper intention, so that we truly acknowledge everything before us.
The words acknowledge where our food has come from, our place in nature, and that together our pure love Blesses and Sanctifies our food.

Next we anchor our Hearts to Love, and finally affirm our intention to serve by sharing Joy, Merriment and Happiness to all.

In the words after we eat, they are short and simple. 
We again affirm our togetherness, our intention to share Happiness, Love and Joy with all.
And we finish a time honoured expression of Merriment.

I find these words a good reminder to Be Present, and to really feel Gratitude. To share our Blessings and remember, no matter how stressful modern life is… we can celebrate our simple pleasures in life!

I have written many versions of these over the years… so I will endeavour to find more of them and share another time. Enjoy!

Before Eating

O Devas of Nature
O Mighty Ones on High.
Thank you for this feasting
On Earth, beneath Sky.

Your Gift of Love
Our Joy and Gratitude
Unite to Bless
And Make Sacred this food.

We Celebrate Abundance
In Circle together.
As to Luminous Love
Our Hearts we do tether.

We affirm our Loving Service
Sharing Joy all around.
May Merriment and Happiness
For All, truly abound.

Blessed Be. Blessed We.

After Eating

Together in Circle
As Kindred as Clan.
We now share our Happiness
Throughout all the lands.

We shall Love all our Brethren
Sharing Joy unto them.
Merry Meet, Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

Blessed Be. Blessed We.

These words can be done silently of course, but they are far more enjoyable when done out loud and all together.
So I suggest memorising them, finding your own shared rhythm, and deepening into feeling their truth within you – so that you come to embody the energies within the words. This is what brings them to life and gives them their true potency.

Love Love
Azure Seer

Note: Obviously, if you are using this with a group of people, it is important you all have the same understanding of all of the concepts and Beings that are referenced. You can also use the group version “on behalf of” a group of people – in which case it is used as service to others, and relies only on your personal knowledge, understandings, and inner connections.

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