Who Do You Think You Are?!

Does your Identity Expand or Contract your Possibilities?

You are not your body. Therefore none of the labels that extend from your body are any more who you are, than is the frock you wear.

When you think you are any of these labels, you are denying who and what you really are. Therefore you limit the great wealth you have access to. In forgetting who you are, you are unconsciously choosing to live as an impoverished version of yourself!

Why limit yourself?

Aside from Atheists, all other people (the vast overwhelming majority), believe we are Spirits.
That we are not our bodies, and we, our true selves, do in fact persist beyond the death of these flesh suits, in some form or other.

Yet despite this foundational knowing – I would wager nearly every single one of us identifies with and as this fleshy frock we wear. How do I know this to be so?

  • We believe we are female, male, intersex.
  • Men, women, non-binary, androgynous, etc.
  • Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, asexual, etc.
  • Oriental, African, Caucasian, Arabic, Latino, Native/Indigenous, etc.
  • We believe we are Australian, Chinese, American, Mexican, Icelandic, English, Scottish, Indian, Iranian, African, European, Canadian, French, Greek, Ethiopian, Fijian, Japanese, German, etc.
  • That somehow the genetic patterns of this flesh suit are who we are.

This we demonstrate when we say “I am” male, female, intersex. “I am” a woman, a man. “I am” gay, straight. “I am” black, white, Fijian, American etc… We can only say “I Am” when we believe we are this thing!

However – None of these things are who we are – None!

They are all identities linked to the dense physical bodies we inhabit – The Frock We Wear, if you like.
Why a “Frock”? Because we, the spirits we are, will discard this body at the end of our life, just as assuredly as we do a dirty frock at the end of the day!

Going deeper…
If, as so many believe, we are Spirits in form, expressing through a particular chosen (or fated or happenstance) body…
Why do we place so very much importance upon it?
Why do we identify as it?
Why do we not identify as the wearer of the frock, and then relate to all others in the same way?
Why do we treat one style or brand of frock as more valuable than any other?

Remember, under these fleshy expressions, when we are all “de-frocked”, we are all Spirits – we are one!
To spend our whole lives identified as any of the monikers of our frock, is to deny who we truly are!

And this is one of the greatest signs of immaturity of consciousness!

In truth we are cosmic supermodels – all wearing this frock or that, and parading for a lifetime.
All the problems in the world – every last one I would wager – can all be linked back to disunity caused by “Frock Identification”.

As soon as spirits “Get Frocked” – they seem to really get frocked, and swallow  some sort of “stupid pill” – something that makes them forget the supermodel they truly are. So then instead of their vast self driving their life expression, their little fleshy self takes over – with all its inherent limitations. Your Frock Consciousness, rather than your Spirit-ual consciousness, drives your life expression.

In the end, all of this has led to “The Battle of The Frocks”, which could easily lead to Frock-ageddon, if we don’t start raising our awareness in a truly functional way. Meaning we must raise our identities to those who wear the frocks, to our Spiritual Selves. We need to find our common kinship there – and realise no brand of frock is inherently better or worse than any other.

Q: Do you really believe that at your core, you are The Frock or The Wearer?

If you are indeed the wearer of this fleshy frockstart acting like it!

Start thinking as and from your higher a-wear-ness; that is, start all thoughts from you as a Spirit – one with all spirits. Observe from this higher a-wear-ness, all of your choices, behaviours and actions – and ensure they are not all frocked!

Let go of all that perpetuates our global “Frocking Hell”!
De-Frock your consciousness by embracing your spiritual a-wear-ness, and let us get busy creating Frocking Heaven on Earth!

From the perspective of our A-wear Spirits, it’s all one giant shopping mall here, with many continental stores, offering many different frocks to wear.
Let us not superimpose those superficial labels judgements onto our high-vibrational authentic selves – nor amplify that harm by indulging in Frocking Comparisons!

Know you’re a supermodel!

Work the runway of life – by being your truest most authentic self, at all times.
Own your SELF and be THAT!

Enjoy your Frock.
But do not limit yourself to your Fleshy Frocking Identity!


Now while the above wordplay might raise a chuckle of amusement for you – I am speaking of something truly serious!

This problem of knowing we are Spirits, yet identifying as our bodies, is one of the root causes of all Human Suffering.

If you identify as any of the human-made concepts listed in the bullet points above – you are now a limited reflection of who you truly are. As a limited being – you now have, not only limited resources, but you are also a part of the team of unenlightened human units perpetuating suffering on Earth!

When you mistake the tool of expression, learning and creating, for who you are; when you think you are the hammer rather than the one wielding it; you lose all the skills of the Master Craftsman, and you become nothing more than the dull blunt instrument itself.

You are dull because you are now separating your idea of self from the luminous brilliance of your true self.
You are blunt because you have deposed all the sharp and clear learned experiences contained within your true high-vibrational self.
And as a result, you become nothing more than a noisy, aggressive, tool, banging on perpetually – using brute force and lacking all finesse!

Perhaps it’s time for change. To be the change – we all so deeply need.

Remember you are a vast, high-vibrational, clear, brilliant, cosmic supermodel, sporting your latest Frock of Choice – and so is every other human unit on Earth.

Let’s all start acting like it.

In Hope of Frocking Liberation.

Azure Seer

Tools for Transformation

If we are Spirit. If we are not these Frocks we wear…
How do we identify?
In what way does our identity need to shift?
How do we get de-frocked in our consciousness? And therefore access the vast beauty of our Spiritual Selves?

Q: Who am I if not this form?
A: Go inside and find out!
Sit quietly and in-quire. Try letting go of your identity concepts – of your sex, your gender, your sexual orientation, your race, your humanness altogether…. and seek that which you truly are. Find your authentic naked self beneath this huge story you live. Beneath all these elements of your identity entity. Open to your Cosmic Supermodel Self – of course without attaching to this label either!

When you find your utterly naked spiritual self, try on the concept of Surrender.
Then as you bring this self a-wear-ness back to earth, back to here… look around at the vast parade of expression we call life. Look at all the Beauty and incredible Diversity being expressed every-wear. And truly see, if this way of viewing humanity is not inherently more Delight-full and engendering of Joy. Doesn’t this create a deeper sense of ease? 🙂

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