Gem – We Cannot Create Apart from Others

Gem Category Image in LimeWe must clear all levels of limitation

What our conscious selves choose is definitely affected by what our unconscious selves choose! Therefore as individuals, if we are striving consciously to create a better life, we eventually come up against the effects of the limiting patterns within our unconsciousness. We must take action, seek them out, and clear them with our greater awareness – if we hope to succeed in building our better life.

Just as we must find and clear the unconscious programs within ourselves – if we wish to become more than the reactionary patterns of our childhoods – we as a people, as a global civilisation, must also seek and clear the collective childish patterns that limit us! Those of us who are striving forward to make paradise on earth, can only go so far while we as a species still harbour these immature limitations.

Diving deeper… No man is an island. No matter how much you think you can “create your own reality”, you are indeed a part of a singular species within a singular biosphere.

As Within – So Without

We live inside the consciousness of the being whose body is this biological planet earth – therefore we are bound within the conditioning qualities of this being’s mind!
These overarching qualities are such that what is true for us individually, is true for us as a species.

The conscious amongst us must seek out and help clear the limiting patterns within the unconscious of us – for just as the individual will ultimately be restricted by their own unconscious patterns, so too will the conscious within the species be limited or held back by the patterns of the unconscious – unless we open our hearts and strive to help lift them as well! It is selfless love in service that is the doorway to true awakening and the creation of lasting beauty in our world.

Liberation for an Individual requires the transmutation of All of their being – the same is true for Humanity as a species. We must at least free from limitation and suffering enough unconscious people, to allow the conscious amongst us, to make positive progress that will last.
For a Heart Based Being to be truly liberated, all must be liberated!

This evolutionary process requires Trailblazers of Lovingkindness – those who, through their encompassing self-mastery and advanced evolution, become humanity’s older siblings that lead the way.

The conscious must love, help heal, and guide the unconscious – selflessly, not for profit. It is only the Spirit of Generosity and Giving that heals Greed and Grasping. Prosperity must be created for all, for we are a truly interdependent collective of consciousness – We Are the World, and we are the cells of the Planetary Logos!

Therefore… Let us Love others as potently as we Love ourselves and our families!

As within, so without!
All is one.
The one is all.
Let us Love as One.

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