Gem – The Three Ray Departments

Introducing the Seven Rays

By way of introduction, I will include here two quotes from the writings of Alice A. Bailey, who was the one who brought forth to the modern world, the Teachings on the Seven Rays, as dictated by her Tibetan Teacher, the Master Djwhal Khul.

“A ray is but a name for a particular force or type of energy, with the emphasis upon the quality which that force exhibits and not upon the force aspect which it creates. This is a true definition of a ray.” ~ Esoteric Psychology Vol 1, pg. 316.

“We are told that seven great rays exist in the cosmos. In our solar system only one of these seven great rays is in operation. The seven sub-divisions constitute the “seven rays”. … These seven rays may be described as the seven channels through which all being in [the] solar system flows, the seven predominant characteristics or modifications of life, for it is not to humanity only that these rays apply, but to the seven kingdoms as well. In fact there is nothing in the whole solar system, at whatever stage of evolution it may stand, which does not belong and has not always belonged to one or other of the seven rays.” ~ Ibid, pg. 163

Humans and the Rays

A human being is basically an expression of five ray forces. Each body or sheath has its own governing ray.
Detailing them: the physical, astral, and mental bodies each have a ray, and the Personality as a whole has its own ray, and above the Personality, the Soul has its own ray. These are the five ray influences most spoken of in esoteric circles, however, there are in fact more ray energies to consider, beyond these primary five. The Soul has both a major and a sub-ray, and far above the Soul, the Monad has a core or primary ray, and two sub-rays.

When considering the rays for an incarnate person, if they are consciously on the spiritual path, the rays of the dense bodies or personality sheaths are almost entirely irrelevant. As the Personality becomes more “integrated” the personality ray overrides the body rays and becomes the dominant quality in expression. As the incarnate personality becomes ever more Soul-aligned, and then Soul Fused, the major ray of the Soul will subsume the personality ray, and it, along with its sub-ray, will be the dominant energies in expression. This is important to note, as one’s True or Soul Purpose can be seen as being part of the Ray Purpose of the ray line within which IT exists, and is not based on the interests of the transient Personality.

The Soul and Monadic ray are always within the same Ray Department, as detailed in the next section.

Note: The Rays are a vast and complex topic, much too deep for the scope of this little Gem Post.

Rays of Aspect and Attribute

The seven rays are divided into 3 Rays of Aspect, and 4 Rays of Attribute, and each has its own essential function and purpose in existence.

“Rays of Aspect:
1. The Ray of Power, Will or Purpose
2. The Ray of Love-Wisdom
3. The Ray of Active Creative Intelligence

Rays of Attribute:
4. The Ray of Harmony through Conflict
5. The Ray of Concrete Science or Knowledge
6. The Ray of Idealism or Devotion
7. The Ray of Order or Ceremonial Magic”
~ The Rays and the Initiations, by Alice A. Bailey, pg. 558.

The 3 Ray Department Types

Please consider the following from the point of view of the Soul’s major ray, as this is the “you” to whom I am referring.

If you are in the First Ray department: 1-4-7
You are an initiator of things, a directing will, a destroyer of the old, a focalising leader, a seer of the Plan, a great warrior, a being that empowers and focuses others, capable of vast dynamic action, and a recipient of Divine Will. You carry a part of the First Ray Purpose.

If you are in the Second Ray department: 2-4-6
You are a teacher, an embodiment of wisdom, a source of magnetic love and radiant dispassionate compassion, a being that guides in synthesis and inclusivity, capable of vast stillness, and a recipient of Divine Love. You carry a part of the Second Ray Purpose.

If you are in the Third Ray department: 3-5-7
You are a transmuter of substance and matter, a creator, a true scientific thinker, an advocate for nature, a being connected to the devic archetypes and patterns, capable of vast creative and structured order, and a recipient of Divine Intelligence. You carry a part of the Third Ray Purpose.

As we can see, the 4 and 7 show up under two different ray departments. In these instances, it is a matter of meditating to determine which department is the correct placement of your Soul, which may only become clear by eventually determining the primary colouring of the Monad. It may also be the case that a being with these 4th or 7th ray colourings is serving a dual function. Again, this must be clarified through meditation.

If your Soul is not on one of the 3 Rays of Aspect directly, then your work within the Ray Department will be coloured by the qualities of your Soul’s Ray of Attribute, but your purpose still lies within one of the three great departments.

As one passes the higher human initiations, spiritual age can modify certain things, so we must ever keep spiritual age in mind when considering a person’s Ray Department.

This Gem Post was intended to be the briefest of explanations about the 3 Ray Departments. Due to the vastness of the subject, I have clearly gone beyond my original intentions, therefore, I will conclude here.

If the subject of the Seven Rays and how they relate to the Initiations is interest to you, please see my Article: On the First Three Initiations

And the book, The Rays and the Initiations, by Alice A. Bailey, or any of her 24 books.

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