Attraction, Polarity, and Balancing Dualities

The Heart of Magnetic Love

Just as a planetary body spins and pulls all towards itself through what we call Gravity, the human being pulls all towards itself through what we call the Law of Magnetic Attraction.
In both instances this can be seen as the activity of Love.

This is important to realise because, anything caught in a Gravity field will be pulled into the planetary body, and equally so, anything that comes within our human Attractive field will be pulled into us. And these magnetic forces are perpetually at work!
However, the energetic polarity of the planetary logos or us will determine what will be drawn in and what repelled.

Fortunately, we do have some ability and power to consciously set our polarity, using our relative Freewill. The more consciously we engage with this, the more consciously we can navigate the other forces that set our polarity – our early life programming and karmic streams that were woven into our incarnation.

Like Attracts Like?

In the analogy of magnetic attraction, like attracts like is more accurately Like Kinds, not two of the Same Kind.
The north and south poles are two ends of a dipole, two expressions of the same energy. They are Like Kinds, that powerfully draw and fit together – rather than two of the same kind – like givers and takers or perpetrators and victims.
Going further, those who are indeed the same, generally repel each other. Two takers or two people with Narcissism bounce off each other as a mismatch. It is the opposite polarities of a singular dipole that draw together – Like Kinds.

It is true that those with a similar type of energy, those within the one dipole, can come together into a mass formation, bonded in their similar reality, and this can be positive or negative in outcome. However, these bonds are not as strong as those of the matching opposite polarity.
Yes, groups can and do bond through what they share, through common ground, and these bonds are usually stabilising in nature, as they satisfy our basic need for “belonging”. However, these types of bonds can easily become a huge co-created comfort bubble, in which there is no dynamism or growth, and hence, stagnation soon sets in.

Whereas the bonds with oppositely polarised pairings, provide the tension required to trigger growth. Even so, unless managed with conscious care, they are often so dynamic as to cause deep instability and can lead to explosive repulsion. Think of all the great conflicts throughout history, of This verses That – always two sides of the one coin – two ends of a single dipole!

The Heart and Dynamism of Change

Without grit inside our shell, pearls of wisdom never form.
Without contained and controlled heat and pressure, diamond-like consciousness never appears.
Without destruction to ashes, there can be no Phoenix-like rebirth.

Therefore, we must find the right balance between the dipoles of our nature and with the other people we attract. We must find and embody the Balance of the Heart – not so much comfort that we stagnate, but not so much dynamism that everything is perpetually destroyed, and nothing ever grows.

This is the Art of Conscious Living.

Manifestation of Two Reactive Polarities

Let us now consider two linked Like Kinds that are a common dipole or duality within humanity, connected to the instinctual reactions of Fight or Flight…

Firstly, we have the Reactive Fighter.
This manifestation can appear through pain and suffering as the core creative pattern, or when a person is caught in a program of limiting beliefs or a trauma cycle and becomes addicted to suffering. Remembering that strong emotions always mask inner pain, compared to a strong conscious response, which is a manifestation of detached objective wisdom.
The reactive fighter will be forever attracting people and situations that trigger them, as well as get drawn to practices that perpetuate suffering through causing themselves harm, or repeatedly digging up things that should be left in the past, also causing harm. They may label it “processing”, or “healing my trauma”, or justify it with a narrative about “learning lessons”, but at the core will be an addiction to suffering and a belief that they deserve to suffer. This will create a life of continual turmoil.
Due to unbalanced excessive focus on change and growth, these people rarely stabilise, and often create new patterns of suffering, built on the past ones they are trying to heal, that will carry over into their next incarnation.
Yes, we must see, address, and heal our traumas and limiting patterns, but this Self-Work must be kept in balance with Selflessness; otherwise, we risk cultivating Excessive Self-focus and Separativeness, and become even more reactive and combative.

These people are regularly the ones acting from Fight Mode. Quick to get defensive and then react and attack others – sometimes physically violent, but always mentally and emotionally so.

Secondly, we have the Non-Reactive ‘Flighter’.
This manifestation can appear through fear as the core creative pattern. It will cause a person to avoid at any cost, anything that upsets their comfort bubble or challenges their deeply invested-in beliefs. They retreat from dynamic life, growth, change, and conscious evolution. They will choose to not say anything, not share what they are truly thinking and feeling, and avoid conflict any way they can. These folks prefer the perceived safety of sameness, of predictability, and are those who only surround themselves with people who agree with them. They suffer from the safety in numbers herd mentality. Consequently, they do not advance much in life, from the standpoint of their Soul, and as such, the lessons not learned, the growth not achieved, awaits them again next life.
As a result of not addressing and mastering their fear, and therefore not expressing themselves, their thoughts and feelings often fester within them, leading to diseases of stagnation and things that eat away at them, like blocked arteries and cancer.

As these people abhor discomfort and conflict, they will sooner retreat into Flight Mode than stand in authenticity. Due to the strong suppression within them, they are often passive-aggressive in their nature, as living controlled by fear is to express only a tiny portion of who they are, and this makes them unconsciously angry.

Tools for Transformation

The best and correct way to live consciously, is to align to the Soul via the Heart. We must awaken our Heart Centre through cultivating higher group or unity conscious, lovingkindness, harmlessness, dispassionate compassion, and especially, benevolent selfless service.

As we get busy with our work of helping to create Heart Based Culture in the world, as we come to embody goodwill and the spirit of generosity, whatever within us that is in the way of doing this, whatever limiting trauma or fear patterns hinder the work, will naturally surface – at the right time for us to attend to, heal, and release them. Often, they will reveal themselves a little at a time, appearing as layers to work through. And certainly, there is wisdom in this natural order, otherwise we run the risk of becoming overwhelmed by and succumbing to the old patterns once again – perpetuating the suffering rather than healing and clearing it. By allowing the natural flow we can keep the majority of our attention on our Lovingkindness and Selfless Service.

This is the nature of Love and of the Heart’s Wisdom. We grow to perfection as we forget ourselves. Most problems within us nowadays are in fact due to excessive self-focus! Our attention directing too much energy and force within us, instead of out into the world, where it is needed most.

So, the greatest Tool for Transformation I can offer is Self-Forgetfulness. To seek and get deeply involved with a group doing selfless work in a field you feel drawn to and have skills to support. If such a group does not exist, create one! For it is groups that the Great Masters see, and groups that They will energise with Their blessings.

Individuals and couples are still expressions of duality and separatism, and as such, are easily manipulated by Dark Beings. We must work in Trinity and above. We must come together into dynamic groups of Like Kinds, mirroring the vast oceanic inclusiveness of the Kingdom of Souls. Such an integrated Heart Based Group can then also hold space for Same Kinds, and thus a great healing can be afforded to humanity and the earth.

To your Heart’s Polarity!
Azure Seer

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