Gem – The Foundational Trinity of Spiritual Practice

Right Living on The Path

The Trinity which is the true foundation or heart of a genuine spiritual path, is Study, Meditation, and Service. Which implies Right Study, Right Meditation, and Right Service – all of which are evaluated by how Heart-Based we are.

The Rightness, here being pointed to, is an inherent quality of the Reason of the Heart, of Love-Wisdom – Love is known esoterically as “Clear Cold Reason.”

This Rightness also manifests as Inclusive Universality and Selflessness, as the more aligned to the Heart we become the more truly Universal and Selfless we become in consciousness and action. We realise that We can only be truly well when All are truly well. And so, we dedicate our lives to Making The World a Better Place, knowing that as the whole flourishes, so do we – and this is right and true. Therefore, Right Study, Right Meditation, and Right Service can all be measured by their degree of alignment to Selflessness and Inclusive Universality – to the Living Heart. In other words, these practices are “right” when our intentions and motivations for engaging in them are pure, that is, selfless and genuinely inclusive or for the betterment of all.

Wrong Study, Wrong Meditation, and Wrong Service are practices that are devoid of genuine Love and serve only the lower or little self – they are exclusive rather than inclusive, and are expressions of the consciousness of selfishness, greed, unabated desire, excessive self-interest, and self-importance – they are the fast path to becoming an embodied Agent of Evil.

Mastering the Trinity of Practices

Study expands and empowers the Mind.
Meditation awakens the Heart and Wisdom.
Service is Love in Action – is how the fused Mind and Heart express in the world.

To do all three practices well, we must also engage in Self-Work: firstly, gaining control, and then achieving mastery, over body, emotions, and mind, as well as the combined psychology of this Personality Self – without becoming immoderately self-focused. No one can master us for us, we must do this ourselves, but we need not do this alone, in fact, if we try, we will certainly fail. The separative isolated individual lacks the resources of the whole of which it is a part, and these greater resources are essential for self-mastery, as we always need a greater force or higher source than the pattern or quality we seek to master!

Going deeper… To achieve the lofty goal of Self-Mastery requires a direct conscious relationship with the Soul – and this relationship is now only possible when striving within a physical group, working on this task together. Only in unity and committed togetherness, with Heart-Based Living and high aspiration, can we open to and embody Full Soular Consciousness, and therefore, achieve true mastery. For only in groups aligned to Love-Wisdom can we fully awaken our Hearts, the doorway to the Soul.

During the Piscean Age it was possible to retreat alone to a cave and achieve self-mastery or enlightenment, but during this Age of Aquarius, that doorway has been closed by the impelling force of Universality – the Keynote of Aquarius – so now we must, can only, achieve these lofty heights in Heart-Based Groups.

We master ourselves and the higher path together – as it should be – for True Interdependent Spiritual Community is what the Heart embodies when awakened to and empowered by the Kingdom of Souls. This is the True Foundation which the Trinity of the Spiritual Path rests upon and enables.

To Study, Meditation, and Service – may we always embrace thee.
Azure Seer

For a deep explanation of the nature of the Heart, why Love is called “Clear Cold Reason,” and the first 3 Initiations, see my Article: On Love, Emotions and Initiation

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