We must stand against the Dark, without judgment or condemning those afflicted with it.
Darkness is not darkness, not the way you may think – it is just a Lack of Light.
Malevolence is just the product of a lack of Love.
Cruelty, Greed and Harmful behaviours are just the by-product of lacking an Awakened Heart – and therefore just a lack of True Wisdom.
Darkness, Malevolence and Harmfulness are not Principles, they are all just the side effects of a lack of Higher Principles – a lack of Light, Lovingkindness and the Wisdom of Harmlessness.
Light, Love, Harmlessness and Lovingkindness are all Principles. Those who choose behaviours not aligned to these are either just younger in spirit, or lack an Awakened Heart to guide their choices. We should not Judge them… we have All been there.
But we do need to Take Heart Based Action – we cannot just allow the Dark Behaviours of the young, wounded or unbalanced to dominate in the world!
A Lack of Love and Wisdom = Evil
We must accept the patterns of death and decomposition as just as important as the patterns of life, growth, and evolution. They are all part of the One Great Wholeness. But like all things, these energies must be applied at the right time, and in the right way – else they become what we call Evil.
To force contraction when one should be expanding, to darken when radiance is required, to take when giving is needed – these are all choices of those aligned to death, no matter how they dress it up.
We must Stand in Love, Stand in Light, and Stand in the Heart – and standing thus, radiate into the darkened, wounded, unloved or young ones amongst us. If we do nothing, then Darkness and Dark Patterns shall continue to devour our world with cruelty and harm! And the earth will indeed become a stronghold of Evil.
In Hope
Azure Seer