Gem – Conscious Creation, Soul Fusion, and Black Magic

The Personality must surrender to the Soul, like the Body is surrendered to the Mind.

Clear recognition and conscious living embodiment of the fact that our thoughts create our experience of Reality, is one of the essential steps directly preceding surrender to the Soul controlling or directing the thoughts. We must master our thoughts at the Personality level before it is possible for the Soul to control the mind of the incarnate person – thus bringing Full Mastery and the first genuine level of Enlightenment.

That thoughts directly create our experience of life and being able to consciously and successfully engage and live this realisation, is an essential part of an Integrated Personality – a master of form, emotion, and the lower mind. This means the body, emotions and mind of the person must work as a singular harmonious whole – without conflicting values, beliefs, programs or habits – all must be brought into the clear light of consciousness and then aligned. This full integration is achieved through the 1st and 2nd Initiations, as well as the preliminary elements of the 3rd – for we must utilise the concrete mind to bring the emotions and form under control and into alignment. To do so, requires at least partial control of the lower mind.

The next step in growth and evolution is for the Integrated Personality to seek out and surrender to the directing Love and Wisdom of the Soul – much as the body and emotions previously surrendered to the directing influence of the human mind in the earlier stage of development. When the Personality fully surrenders to the Soul, the Soul’s Light suffuses the mind making the Lower Self and Soul one unified vehicle of expression – this achievement is noted as the 3rd Initiation.

This task is indeed a challenging one, and as such the number of 3rd Degree Initiates on earth is still quite small. To surrender to the Soul and become “Soul Fused”, requires a being to be completely Heart Based. Therefore, despite the apparent mental mastery and related achievement spreading through humanity, until the Heart is awakened in equal or greater measure within an individual, this Initiation is not possible for them.

Dark Beings are also Conscious Creators

We must achieve all three Initiations before we become a fully enabled Heart Based Conscious Creator. Until that stage in our development our creations will always be a bit hit and miss. And most certainly there is no guarantee they will be aligned to the Plan of Love and Light.

It is important to note that members of the Black Lodge utilise the same skills and degrees of self-mastery as those of the White Lodge, the only difference being that they do not awaken the Love Petals of the Soul and hence cannot pass the 3rd Initiation. They can however awaken the Knowledge and Power Petals, and this gives them great abilities – therefore, all they create is based in selfish gain, greed, and manipulation. Make no mistake, the Dark Adept is highly skilled, wields and creates with great power, and has little concern for any negative impacts caused by their creating!

For members of the White Lodge, it is our Love for all life, our commitment to Harmlessness, Dispassionate Compassion, and Lovingkindness that separates us from our Dark Kin. It is ONLY this purity of intention that is the fine line between whether we are creating dark or light karma for ourselves – whether we are a White or Black Magician. It is Love alone that qualifies whether our creations are aligned to the Darkness or the Light, regardless the story we tell ourselves.

Purity of motive cannot be faked, and in our world so driven by survival stress, and with so many accomplished black magicians demonstrating their material power, it is amazingly easy to lose connection to genuine Heart Based Motives and slip into the vast regions of Grey. There are many conditioned by this greyed out love – which we call Loving Mind – where the mind tells us what we are doing is loving, but if we were to compare it against the qualities of the Heart, we would find threads of selfish desire poisoning the intention of the creator.

To be a completely Black Sorcerer requires actual malevolent intent, which you would think would be easy to spot, but in this world, it can be easily disguised as “drive and ambition” – such is the degree of infiltration of darkness within humanity!

So be very care-full to ensure your creations are consciously aligned to your Pure Heart.
The surest way is to cultivate Wise Selflessness – which contains within it the admirable qualities of Harmlessness, Lovingkindness, and Dispassionate Compassion. If your plans embody the Principle of “Greatest Good For All”, there is no need for fear or concern about becoming aligned to Darkness. This is the compass to the Heart – and what will ensure we collectively create Heart Based Culture.

To your Loving Creations

Azure Seer

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