On Spiritual Escapism and Harmlessness

Are you running a Spiritual Escapism script?

“The physical world is not real, it is an illusion – therefore what we do here doesn’t matter.”
“Everything here is impermanent – therefore it’s not real”.
So say some.

It is true that the physical world is the realm of effects, not causality. It is where many causes eventually manifest. And so in this manner it is just a reflection or appearance of reality, not Reality Itself.

But consider this… it exists. It has a type of reality, because here we are.
And as it exists, you need to wonder why…
Do you think the Divine made it by mistake, that it is happenstance?
An illusory substrate is very real to all who exist within it. Our expression exists in this dense realm, as consciousness is here. We are aware of it, and we feel pain and sadness, joy and peace… all here.

We definitely suffer when we limit our awareness to this transient substrate alone; but we also suffer when we think this realm serves no purpose, and try to deny its existence through spiritual escapism!

The densest realm serves a purpose, else it would not be, and therefore it is a type of reality. To pretend otherwise is human foolishness, thinking it sees truer than the Divine that created this realm.

A far more useful practice is to ask better questions about it:
Why does an impermanent realm exist?
What is its purpose?
How am I, as an evolving conscious being, supposed to understand and relate to it?

Are you suffering from Spiritual Cognitive Dissonance? Are you using Spiritual Truisms to Justify Violence?

If you believe this realm is illusory and does not matter. If you believe, despite the appearance of us being separate individuals that in reality we are all One Vaster Self, and this is therefore proof that it’s illusory – Let’s test your theories.

If you think this realm or world is not real, that it’s just an illusion, you should have no issue taking a hammer and smashing your toes with it. If you do not want to smash your toes with a hammer, would you be ok to smash and destroy another part of you?
So therefore, you embody Mindful Lovingkindness towards all people and all life?
You speak with kind gentleness, and you live a vegan lifestyle?
Wait. What?

If you do not want to cause harm or injury to any part of yourself – that You want to live – what about any part of your Greater Self, this One Vaster Self that you believe we are all a part of? If you truly believe separateness is an illusion and that All life on earth is part of the One Vaster Self, why are you ok with causing harm to, or destroying the form of expression, of another manifestation of this Oneness you believe we are?

The confusion, awkwardness or defensiveness you are likely feeling right now, the scrambling to find a justification for your choices which lead directly to the suffering or ending of life expression of another being, is spiritually-based cognitive dissonance!

It is what happens when you believe a Principle to be true, but act in ways that oppose or do not honour that truth! When you say you believe in Love, but justify making choices that cause harm, suffering and death – the definition of Evil!

When you force your choices onto other lives, and limit or take away their right to peaceful freedom – you are demonstrating evil through living in cognitive dissonance – this is the simple truth!

No living thing wants their toes smashed. No living thing wants to die. If you believe You are entitled to take away its vehicle of expression in this world, you are suffering delusion and pride – not manifesting Love.

And before you “go there”… if you lack the intelligence to see the difference in life expression of a cucumber and a cow… there is no point to you even reading my material. Close it up and walk away. You are not yet ready to embrace the Force within the Heart. The principles of nonviolence and harmlessness have nowhere to alight within you.
Come back to the True Spiritual Path another lifetime.

Some Clarifying Truth – to soothe the confusion

Yes the physical world is a type of reality. To everything dwelling within this substrate it is Very Real indeed!
As spiritual beings choose to incarnate here, as they choose dense forms to experience this substrate, they have the right to live, and freely! All life has the right of self-determination – so long as in expressing their choices, they do not take away the choices of others. If One has the right to Freewill, All must have it. Which means we do not have the right to cause others harm – as this blocks or removes their self-expression and Freewill.

For each incarnating entity, they have a plan for that life, and this fits within the overall direction of evolution.

Life within each Kingdom of Nature seeks its next step in evolution.

To understand why killing animals is against the Heart, but eating plants is not… Let’s briefly consider the next evolutionary step for each Kingdom, and how they achieve it…

The Mineral Kingdom gets absorbed primarily by the Plant Kingdom, which slowly gives them plant-like qualities.
The Plants get absorbed by the Animal Kingdom, within their animal bodies, and thus start to know what it is to dwell in flesh.
As Animals already have fleshy bodies they do not need to be absorbed through our digestive systems, they need to be contacted by and absorbed within the loving kind emotions of the Human Kingdom, to overcome their fear of us, and to eventually be drawn into our Kingdom.
And us as Humans? Growth and evolution does not stop here with us – we need to be absorbed into the Heart and Mind of Divine Beings, so we get drawn into the Spiritual Kingdom.

In order to not cause harm, we need to understand at least this basic level of Evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature. How can we choose with wisdom otherwise?!

Before you “go there” again… Yes of course there are carnivorous animals within the Animal Kingdom, but that is where that behaviour is supposed to cease! We are supposed to use our Higher Intelligence, our Agency of Conscious Free Will, and to Choose with Love!

We no longer need to be dominated and driven by our Animal Instincts, we have the awareness to Choose. And this is the main distinction between Humans and Animals. We have the faculty of Free Higher Choice – so let’s Choose Lovingkindness!
As we don’t need to maim, torture or kill, let us choose not to!
Let us honour the reality of this plane, and seeing our Interconnected Oneness, choose to Love and Honour All Life!
Let us treat all others as we would like to be treated – with the right to freedom from violence.

Tools for Transformation

The subject matter of this article draws one’s attention to an area of strong discomfort for many – focusing on Cognitive Dissonance is never easy, and these Tools will be no more comfortable! But if you work through them with pure open intent, you will find quite the liberation and expansion will follow.

Q: In what areas of my life am I believing one thing but acting in another way?

Q: What are my highest values, and where in my life am I holding back from expressing them?

Q: If I believe in Love and Kindness, is there any area of life I am not yet expressing them?

Q: Where in my life am I inflicting pain or suffering, or paying someone else to do so for me (such as supporting industries built on violence and murder)?

Q: Genuinely ask… How would I prefer people to speak with me and treat me?
(If you get anything other than a positive response here, you need to seek support for inner healing. Every human being is a Soul in form and so deserves Love and Kindness!)
Next, make the choice to treat others with the same dignity and respect that you desire.

It is my hope that these answers will help you resolve any cognitive dissonance or conflicting beliefs. Remember, finding answers is a big part of change, but must be followed through with conscious actions – if you wish to embody the expansion you have experienced in your consciousness!

In clear hope

Azure Seer

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