Hello Heart Based Seekers
I am just writing to let you all know that I am in the process of Moving House. Yes huge changes are afoot in my world.
I am moving from my wonderful Urban Coastal Community, to Live Alone once more, at 918m above sea level.
I am undertaking this move, so as to live amongst more rarefied energies and much deeper quiet. This I am doing to aid in deepening my writing for all of you, and of course all the others yet to find my delicious source of contemplative potency! So from now until I am moved and settled, my posts will be a little sporadic. And some weeks like this one just passing – I may not have time to publish anything at all. I am sorry to leave you hanging in this manner… but they do say: Absence makes the Heart Grow Fonder!
But let me not send you away with an empty bowl.
Instead I will leave you now with these juicy Quotes by Annie Besant, to tide you over until my next posts.
Ms Besant (1847-1933) was a Theosophist, a prolific Writer, an Orator and a Philanthropist. Some of her works are truly inspiring.
Quotes for Contemplation
“No Soul that aspires can ever fail to rise; no heart that loves can ever be abandoned. Difficulties exist only that in overcoming them we may grow strong, and they only who have suffered are able to save.” ~ Some Difficulties of the Inner Life.
“Not out of right practice comes right thinking, but out of right thinking comes right practice. …It matters enormously what you think. If you think falsely, you will act mistakenly; if you think basely, your conduct will suit your thinking.” ~ The Wisdom of the Upanishads.
“I will give you the mark whereby you can know whether a human being is preparing to enter the Path. It is the life that is marked by unselfish service of others; by the willingness to sacrifice all for the good of others; by the readiness to give up all that men of the world account valuable in devotion to a cause which is believed to embody the right.” ~ The Masters and the Way to Them.
Cheers for Change
Azure Seer
I hope your move goes smoothly and your new home has the rarified energies and deeper quiet that you are seeking. It sounds great! Happy times ahead.
Thank You Sally! I am really looking forward to the change, even though there is much beauty and ease here, it will be good to be in a much quieter space energetically 🙂