Gem – Two Thoughts on Love

Bringing conscious awareness to the Nature of Love, and our Language about it.

 On “Love in Action”

Love is not always soft, and certainly it is not meek. Love can be fiery. We can speak of love as a force, or of the power of love.
Love can envelop and hold safe, keeping the darkness at bay; but it can also be like a sword or knife to cut out any limitations or rot, so the whole organism can thrive!

Love in action manifests as precisely what is needed, when and how it is required. This is the “reason” of Love’s esoteric description – Clear Cold Reason.

On “Falling in Love”

When you say you are “Falling in Love”, is it really love? Where are you falling from and to?

Are you falling from your separated self-focused individualistic consciousness, into the selfless, harmless, universally-connected Void of the Heart? Or are you falling down into the unobjective, sexual desire, attachment, excitement about “what you can get”, losing yourself by becoming a half, and all the desires, of your solar plexus?!

Yes, we must be aware of the nature of the “Falling”!

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