Purpose May Not Be Not What You Think
Purpose is purely about the evolution of the whole, as a whole; as “Purpose” is a manifestation of the Will of the Divine, and therefore, includes all.
The Plan is the manifest form that Divine Purpose takes, and this has many moving interconnected parts. It is at the level of The Plan that we parts may consciously find our place and service to perform. Call this “purpose” if you wish, but it is more accurately, just Our Part of The Plan, and only maintains value while we are not identified as the “one serving,” but as the function we are performing. The space from which we serve, strongly conditions or colours what we offer.
It is the interdependent interconnection that gives us parts value. And this value lies in our relationship to the other parts we are in service to, not our individual identities or some “Great Purpose” we believe we must perform. There is always error when we conflate A Part of The Plan with Purpose, Divine or otherwise, and when the Part believes it is the Whole. A drop is not an ocean, not the ocean, and can never carry The Plan of the Ocean.
Purpose only has meaning in relationship, is relationship, between the smaller parts of the greater whole. The Divine can be informing our focus, and we could, for sake of semantics, say “We are serving Divine Purpose,” however, our field of service lies in the world – we serve each other – and this complex collective vision is held within and informed by The Divine Plan. Purpose is an abstract vision, while The Plan comprises all the steps and actions needed to bring that Purpose about.
True Purpose Requires Selflessness
Whenever there is a pronounced sense of self, of the individual, of “my purpose,” it is likely that True Purpose is Not Present – instead we see glamour or illusion – a product or artefact of excessive self-focus and a fast track to Pride!
Whenever there is a service orientation, but great wealth, riches, or material comforts are desired, here too is delusion and error. All Purpose is a service relationship, is selfless service, and therefore, must be supported by living a simple humble life. No part of an organism (or single body of manifestation) can take or consume more than its fair or needed share, without the whole organism suffering. When parts of the whole get greedy, they function as a cancer within the form, as some humans do within the biosphere of the earth. The answer is Lovingkindness, Dispassionate Compassion, Nonviolence or Harmlessness, and most certainly, Generosity and Selflessness.
Therefore, Be Warned… A strong sense of self can foster self-importance, which is a filter to our Greater Light at best, a block at worst, and which, therefore, will limit all we may give. In fact, such an orientation opens us to be manipulated and used by Dark Beings, as it directly aligns us with their materialistic focus. Of course, the above in no way excludes us from making a fair living and providing for ourselves and those we care for.
Universality Opens the Door to Enlightenment
The more decentralised from our little selves and their wants and identity we become, the more universal our consciousness, the more connected to all, as all, we become. Then, as we focus on that beauty-full principle of The Greatest Good For All, this results in greater vision and us increasing our usefulness as a focalising lens of The Divine Plan and Purpose. Decentralised Universality is the Way to Enlightenment and the true service of a Boddhisattva, who forsakes their own further development to help serve their earthly kin.
“Personal Purpose” is anathema to “Divine Purpose.”
Enlightened consciousness manifests as, “Not mine, but Thine Will be done.” Therefore, we little parts or selves bow to The Great Collective Divine Plan and strive to embody our meagre function within it. True Purpose can only be present when the Little Self surrenders to the Greater Self – the Personality surrenders to the Soul – the individualistic separated self becomes one with the All Self, in Heart-Based Relationship to, with, and as All.
If we must refer to what we are doing, to the Purpose we are aiming to achieve, a better statement is My Part of the Collective Purpose, or simply, My Part of The Plan.
To Living in Service as One
Azure Seer