Value is different to Values
There are many things we can value in life, but these are completely different to the Values we hold.
The difference lies in the words: Do and Are…
When I ask about your Values, I am asking “what ARE your values?” Not what DO you value – but what ARE your Values?
Values are abstract, they are qualities – principles we live by.
WHAT we value are things, processes, or objects.
Things are ALWAYS about giving us something else, they are never about the thing itself.
Whereas Values are the principles we seek to experience or embody. Like Freedom, Love, and Peace.
They are more expansive feeling states. Like the feeling of Security, or Safety.
Let’s explore two examples…
Clear communication is not a true value, even though we can value it deeply. For it is about something else. We appreciate clear communication because it gives true and genuine connection!
You might say you value your pets, but they are more about companionship, about joy or about engendering a state of lighthearted fun – all truer Values or Qualities.
What do I Truly Value?
I value peace, harmlessness, kindness, quietude, benevolence, gentleness, true beauty, growth and Awakening.
What are your True Values?