Gem – On Taking and Re-Taking Initiations

Gem Category Image in LimeWhat is Initiation?

The word Initiation in the Ageless Wisdom is a term that encompasses the process of the gradual and wholistic unfoldment of spirituality within a being, which becomes increasingly exponential in its momentum. Each Initiation passed or taken is an indication that a person has mastered another level of themselves and hence, has awakened into a more expanded state of awareness.

The expansion and embracing of higher consciousness continues until there is no distinction between the inner being and the Universe. Initiation is, therefore, stages of awakening to the nature of manifestation and Purpose of all Being.

Each time we take or re-take an Initiation it is harder than before

The newly incarnate Personality needs to Reiterate or Recapitulate (recount in summary) the Initiations taken or passed in previous lives, and simultaneously Upgrade the Mastery within each initiation, to incorporate the changed and new cultural circumstances. Evolution on earth ever continues, and so the prevailing conditions mean each re-taking is at a higher level than in previous lives.

It is also interesting to remember that the first time we pass an Initiation it avails us of greater awareness and tools. Therefore, in the following lives, if the Soul deems it as needed, we come in connected to these greater resources. But even so, the ongoing evolution of prevailing conditions on earth means the current Personality must quickly learn how to access and apply this deeper knowledge and skills, if they hope to further their development.

A significant change that has happened in recent history, since the Aquarian energies of Universality started pouring into the earth, is that Initiation has changed from an Individual process to a Group process. This change is tremendously important to understand, as it is no longer possible to sequester ourselves away and achieve enlightenment. We must consciously work within a group, form a living Group Mandala, and therein to awaken our Hearts together. This means that passing Initiations is quite a lot harder than it has previously been. Welcome to the New World Burning Grounds!

We strive to Grow as well as Recap

At the same time as the previous Mastery reawakens and is expanded in the current environment, we will be striving to achieve what is the Next Initiation for ‘us’ – the Soul or Spirit.

And so, we work on several aspects of Initiate Consciousness at the same time. Or perhaps we could say we cycle through layers of the various Initiations we are working on, cycle after cycle until the old Initiations are re-mastered and new ones are taken.

The process is an interesting balancing or juggling of current Personality patterns, cultural conditions, the skills and Karma the Soul chose to incarnate with, the deeper resources that become available as we align more and more to the Soul, and opening to the Group Process that makes Initiations in the modern world possible.

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