We must be clear on what we Seek and what we Live and Embody.
People cannot give what they do not have! In terms of relationships, it is important to remember what this means. Authenticity and embodiment are essential in a Heart-Based Relationship.
Not everybody wants a monogamous relationship with a deep physical, emotional, AND spiritual bond. If you do, it is important to recognise kindred spirits when they appear. And also, to see beyond lust and emotional attraction, to see the real person, free of our own projections of who they are, and desires of who we want them to be. Not everybody has what it takes to form such a deep and truly authentic connection, let alone one with shared spiritual values.
Therefore, we must never try to force something with someone who cannot give us what we truly need and desire in a relationship. If they do not have it, they cannot give it. The reverse is also true, we may not have what our beloved needs, and so, an accurate heart-based assessment is ever needed.
As we can only be in charge of our own choices, we must not compromise ourselves and be led down a path going nowhere, by pretending to be someone we are not, just to get the love (or more accurately sex and attention) we seek. We cannot keep giving what we are not – trying to do so is deception and lacks integrity and heart.
Authenticity and shared embodied values are essential to forming a truly Heart-Based and lasting relationship. If we do not share fundamental lived values, we are setting ourselves up for suffering!
You will notice I said “embodied” and “lived.” We must not allow ourselves to fall for people’s potential, the beliefs they hold yet live not, or to only see what we want to see in them – holding them to standards they cannot embody is cruel and unloving. A person may Never make the efforts to live their full potential, may never heal their inner trauma and master any destructive patterns it creates within them. Therefore, we must accept how the other is right now. We must be truly ok with the possibility that who they are now, they may always be. We can hold a space of detached hope and aspiration for their growth, but we must not compromise who we each are by investing in a relationship built on the shonky foundations of possibility lacking embodiment. Seeking to save or heal another is pure folly.
To Shared Authentic Love
Azure Seer