second initiation

On Sensory Gratification, Initiation, and Joy

Defining “Sensory Gratification” Sensory Gratification means choosing things because they feel good to our senses, as opposed to making choices based on wisdom, true virtues, higher values, or spiritual principles, like Selfless Service, Harmlessness, or Lovingkindness. To be driven by Sensory Gratification is a form of Grasping and Aversion. Like an immature child, we grasp […]

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Technology, Psychic Powers and Spiritual Growth

Changing Brainwaves at Will is Not “Spiritual”! Changing your brain waves at will is no more “spiritual” than is consciously controlling the rate of your breathing, or the speed with which you walk on a pavement! Being able to impact the rhythms or way our body moves, is one of the most rudimentary skills of

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