Spiritual Beliefs Do Not Make You “Spiritual”

Beliefs Alone are Not the Path

Holding spiritual beliefs does not make you a “spiritual person.” We can hold many different beliefs, including conflicting beliefs, and most of us do. Beliefs alone do not reveal the true nature of a person, nor make us “spiritual.”

We can also practice all sorts of different ways of living, including many so-called spiritual practices, but attending church, doing yoga or breathwork, performing rituals, taking plant substances, chanting mantras, or having ice baths, etc, does not automatically mean we are a spiritual person. All such actions may be part of certain spiritual paths, but in the end, whether we are a truly spiritual person is dependent on our orientation and identity being centred upon and as the Soul that created our dense fleshy vehicle. If this is so, our choices and actions will be aligned to pure intentions and genuine spiritual principles or Universal or Divine Laws. Sadly, it is far more common that people are aligned to fanciful glamoured interpretations of higher truth, and as such, their beliefs and practices are corrupted by materialism, self-interest, and pride, amongst other low-vibrational qualities!

Both beliefs and practices can together be open doors to genuine spiritual consciousness, but neither guarantee this, as both can be used to deepen separatism and materialism or material identity on earth.

Beliefs and Practices Do Not Equal Embodiment

Presuming for the moment that our beliefs and intentions are genuine, heart based, and aligned to the high-vibrational reality of our Soular Selves… One principle that requires investigation and attention is whether we are all belief, talk, and occasional practices or we are embodied. Spiritual Embodiment means that we live genuine Spiritual Principles in daily life. If we are practicing but still have a long way to go until we have achieved integrated coherency or full embodiment, while we are striving to Spiritual Consciousness, we will continue to be tumbled in the river of mundane life.

In truth, a mundane materialistic person holding beliefs and doing practices is still a mundane materialistic person. It is not until our mundane nature is transformed by the Light and Power of our Soul that we are truly Spiritual Beings, being spiritual. Technically, this means that our Lunar Pitris (the lesser form-building devas) have been replaced by Solar Pitris (the greater form-building devas), and that our vehicles have now been rebuilt in more refined Matter. Matter which can embody and ground a greater measure of Divine Light.

Spirituality Requires a Reorientation

If we are materially focused to the exclusion of our higher consciousness, are overly identified with our body or sex, are not living in alignment with the Heart, and therefore, breaking down the barriers of separatism, and if we are not aligned to principles and practices that are right for our Ray Constitution and Spiritual Age, it is a stretch to call ourselves “spiritual” – for all such foci are filters or outright blocks to our Soular Consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness lies in the opposite direction to material consciousness. Therefore, a truly spiritual person is in essence, or essential nature, the opposite to a materialistic one. A truly spiritual person has experienced the “turning in the seat of their consciousness,” and while they will still strive towards collective material goals, expressed predominantly as selfless service, they no longer identify with or as their bodies, or work towards goals that benefit themselves, partner, family, or group alone – their consciousness is now universal, and their identification is liberated from dense matter.

The truly spiritual person lives in the world but is no longer of the world. The dense realm holds no more interest or allure, it has become for them naught but a field of service – and this orientation creates vast inner joy and leads to liberation from all suffering. The best symbol of this is The Sun. Its centre is far above, and yet, it is deeply connected, shines down, and is powerfully affective on earth. This is the same for all enlightened beings and Bodhisattvas.

Spirituality Requires Integration and Alignment

To achieve full liberation and a loosing of our full creative service potential, we require two levels of right alignment. Firstly, within all aspects of the Personality Self – body, emotions, and mind functioning as one – and then secondly, between the Personality, Soul, and Spirit. Without right alignment we cannot have integrity – which requires, and is a manifestation of, integration of all aspects of our self, our nature, and our expression. Before full alignment and integration, we can be committed to integrity in principle, but it will always be lacking and imperfect.

On the way to integration, it is common to go through stages of cognitive dissonance. We can believe in principles like Nonviolence or Harmlessness, and yet, not see some of the glaring ways we still practice, perpetuate, or directly cause violence and harm.
Without integration there can be no true authenticity – only its lower reflection.

Spirituality Requires Embodiment

To be spiritual means we are consciously embodying, or well on the way to fully embodying and giving to the world, the high-vibrational energies and qualities of our Soular Self. Without embodiment of our Higher Self, without alignment with the expansive Soular Principles that vibrate far above the consciousness of incarnate matter-identified humanity, without a living embodiment of selfless service, there is just lip service and posturing – a life of maya, glamour, and illusion! People caught up in the delusional story of being spiritual, without the Truth of Spiritual Being.

Until integration, alignment, and embodiment, all we can offer are ideas or approximations of greater reality – if we are actually offering anything from the true spirit of Universal Love at all. More commonly, and sadly, we see spiritual selfishness, greed, self-serving actions, and greater or lesser measures of hypocritical inauthenticity, instead of the genuine selflessness and lived pure intentions of the Heart.

We must have right orientation and identification, integration and right alignment, and a striving for full living embodiment of our Higher Self, expressed as selfless service.

Believing is Seeing “The Way”

Coming back to Belief… Without belief that the Higher Self exists, without believing it is possible to consciously align to, connect with, and become a living embodiment of this Greater Self, we remain limited dense reflections of our True Selves, with only limited service possible for us. However, when our belief is put to work for us, combined with a genuine reorientation towards and as our true selves, alongside a striving and commitment to learn, live, and embody higher principles in daily life, the Way to Enlightenment and Liberation stands revealed to us. And thus, we can then become and call ourselves “Spiritual Beings.”

To Living The Path
Azure seer

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