Q: Where is the outer edge of my being?
This question is one which directs our awareness both within, and yet strangely, without.
Its purpose is one of direct investigation into the contracted or expansive nature of what we call a “self”. In this case the question invites us to turn within, and then, starting with the sense of self, we begin to expand outwards, paying attention to see if we can actually find or perceive an actual edge to our being, and if so, where it lies.
What we discover, is that there is no edge, our self continues outwards in all directions. This being so, we find that we are all connected in Oneness, as One. Energetically, we are not separated beings. We are each droplets of the one great ocean of consciousness. A great diverse family.
If you are like most people, when you expanded your awareness outwards, seeking the edge of your being, you will likely have focused out through the Human Kingdom – exploring if there were boundaries between you and all other “people”. So, the next task is to reinvestigate, this time exploring if there is a solid boundary between you and all the animals, the plants, or the minerals of this biosphere! Does your sense of self meet any walls with these different Kingdoms of Nature? Is there an “edge” between your beingness and theirs?
During this time of cruel segregation and isolation, it is a most powerful and healing experience to directly feel the truth of our Vast Oneness and Universality.
We Are All One – Let us Live and Love, As One!
Like all true power questions, this question is expansive in nature, through directing you inwards rather than outwards. It is a question that liberates.
And… this question, like all good questions, is one to sit with. It guides your consciousness into a space of direct experience. It is not intended to be answered intellectually. Keep asking it. Keep seeking that which it focuses your awareness into. Enjoy.