On Creating and Maintaining Group Mandalas

What is a Group Mandala?

A Group Mandala is an inner plane manifestation of the empowered lines of connection, between a group of people united within a shared purpose. It is an energetic base of power which grounds the shared purpose, holds potent energy, and which thereby supports the members in carrying out their shared purpose.

It is a dynamic and living form, energising the members in such a way that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” We become more capable when connected together than we are alone. Or put another way, we are capable of far greater achievements through our shared and focused energies.

A Group Mandala can also be considered the skeletal system of that most curious existence called a Group Organism. This living devic form grows as the group grows. Its vitality, power, and functional abilities are directly linked to both the fortitude of the Group Mandala, and also the interconnectedness between the group members. Therefore, the Organism is only as strong as the weakest member – but if a weaker member opens to it, it can truly lift and strengthen them, by sharing of its greater collective life force.

I will not go deeper into the nature of the Group Organism at this time, as to do so would take us off our topic of Group Mandalas.

Some Questions and Answers about Group Mandalas:

Q: What is a Group Mandala built from?
A: Authentic Relationships.

Q: What is an Authentic Relationship?
A: One forged through and built upon Genuine Heart-Based Connection and Demonstrated Love-Wisdom.

Q: What is a Genuine Heart-Based Connection?
A: One where All of a person is welcomed, such that you do not need to hide or colour how you are; where transparency, trust, and vulnerability are present, so that you can (and do) share what is present for you; and especially it is where we do not avoid the difficulties or darkness each and all of us are dealing with – instead we support each other with strengthening our weakness and clearing our limitations, Together! On top of this, a Genuine Connection is also about creating Shared Joy, and supporting each other’s Growth and Awakening.

Q: What is Demonstrated Love-Wisdom?
A: This is Love in Action. It is striving to live beyond our judgments and limitations. It is building Trust through Radical Vulnerability. It is through opening to and utilising Shared Group Wisdom in decision making. It is communicating without Blaming – owning and not projecting our darkness or limitations onto others. It is embodied as Dispassionate Compassion and Heartfulness or Nonviolence in Action. And it is in encouraging each other’s Aspiration, especially in times of difficulty.

Q: What destroys Genuine Connection?
A: Inauthenticity – Judgment, Separatism, Superficiality, Sentimentality, Fear, and Facades, amongst other behaviours.

Q: What destroys a Group Mandala?
A: The destruction of Genuine Connection between any of the members of the Mandala, and therefore, the purpose for which the Group was formed, gets severely weakened or abandoned. Or if any member acts on false beliefs or understandings about Group Mandalas. An example of this point would be: Believing a Mandala can be built or sustained on fondness and a partially shared, or partially committed to, Purpose – glamour and sentimentality destroy everything they touch. In this way, a Group Mandala is just like any relationship that lasts – it has longevity Only if all members are fully committed to it!

Lumining and the Group Mandala

A Strong Group Mandala is essential for Lumining, as without this fortitude, we cannot ground the energies of the Divine Trinity of Light and Love and Power, and therefore, we lack the Luminous Resilience to stand against the Darkness. The strength and potency of a Group Mandala depends on the strength of the Connections. Weak Connections means Weak Structure, which means very little Divine Energy can be anchored by the Mandala.

Therefore, our ability to safely Lumin is directly proportionate to how Authentic our Connections are. Going further, we cannot Lumin with people we either do not know, or with whom we do not have Heart-Based Connection. We simply cannot access, ground, and wield sufficient Light and Force under such conditions. Obviously, we can do a general Sharing of Light, and Basic Lumining for anyone we know exists; as well as work to a degree on Public Figures, because we know something of them. But the true Potential of Lumining does not come into play at this level, as we do not yet have Genuine Authentic Relationships with these people.

Empowering a Group Mandala

Like with all things, consciously engaging with a Group Mandala can greatly enhance its fortitude or resilience and its potency. We achieve this engagement by coming together and focusing upon the mandala with Love, Light, and Power, while holding gratitude for it and all of the group members. This is best done in person but can be done to some degree on a group phone call. Our work is to visualise the mandala brilliant and scintillating and to energise it by drawing down and into it, Divine Energies.

Also, like with all things, if it is forgotten or neglected, it will weaken and whither. And curiously, the relationships between the group members will become harder to maintain.

One more point worthy of adding here is the difference between Group Consciousness and Herd Instinct – for there are many groups of people on earth, drawn together through lower-vibrational shared focus, and its members are driven by instinct, emotion, and occasionally, lower mind – they operate like an inchoate unconscious herd – with great sweeping reactions their norm. Compare this to when a group of selflessly focused servers who come together to achieve a high-vibrational purpose. We see and feel the note of striving to achieve and maintain physical, emotional, and mental self-control, while consciously opening to the vast collective consciousness of the Kingdom of Souls and aligning to the Divine Plan as it carried and embodied therein. Within such a group we see a constant effort to achieve detached objectivity, balance, and co-measured wisdom at all times – a striving to not be controlled by their personal lower nature, and certainly not by a group-empowered reactivity!

A Deeper Look at Authentic Relationships

An Authentic Relationship is one that is not superficial, one that goes far deeper than the public facades we wear. i.e. It is a relationship forged through sharing All of oneself, the breakthroughs and fun times, as well as the breakdowns and challenging times. In fact, an argument could be made that only the sharing of our challenges and limitations, what’s going on in our depths, is what bonds people together in Authenticity. Why? Because the superficial or surface parts of our life is what Everyone gets to see. Therefore, it is in sharing what we don’t share so publicly, that forges deep and true connections!

For most people, it is easy to share with others the good stuff and fun in their lives. But this will only create a superficial bond, as this is the behaviour of those who are afraid of the dark! – those only living and sharing a half-life. Whereas those who live with Heart, are bold, daring, and certainly not controlled by, or afraid to look at, engage, and share their Fear and challenges!

To share our fears, limitations, and challenges means we Trust those with whom we share such vulnerable parts of ourselves. If we are uncomfortable sharing in this way, it means we do not trust, and if we do not trust our group members, how can we possibly create and maintain Heart-Based Connections with them?! Of course, we cannot!

The Group Mandala is forged through Genuine, Utterly Transparent, Heart Connection! And this is the foundation of an Authentic Relationship.

How is an Authentic Relationship created?

“I need to Know You; you need to Know Me” – in order to forge authentic connections.

We need to Talk! We need to share our dreams, our visions, what we are doing, how we are going in daily life, and most importantly what is in the way of us achieving our dreams, and where we therefore need support.

We need to help each other see that which we are not objective enough to see within ourselves – both our limiting patterns and awesomeness alike!

We don’t necessarily need to hang out, watch movies, or go bushwalking etc together… but of course shared social activities do provide more substance to, and solidify, authentic connections. It is easier to open up and genuinely connect with those you socially engage with regularly.

Aside from bonding through shared activities, as stated, what we really need is to Know Each Other!

To Know someone means Really Knowing Them, not just the superficial facade they share readily with the world but opening to our Darkness and using our shared Light to illuminate it. It means getting dirty, together. Rolling up our psychological sleeves and Being Real! This requires complete transparency and a willingness to be utterly vulnerable.

It means not letting our fears stop us, our glamoured emotions control us, or our limiting beliefs get in the way of opening up and truly connecting. One could say an Authentic Relationship is only possible when we open to and embrace Radical Authenticity – within ourselves and with others we trust!

This is how we create and build an Authentic Relationship. And many such interlocking relationships are what becomes a Group Mandala – bound around the Jewel of Shared Purpose.

To our world becoming an Artwork of Beautiful Heart-Based Group Mandalas – interlocking and interdependent in Love-Wisdom.
Azure Seer

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