Reflections on Change
Today I am 48 years and 366 days old (2020 happens to be a Leap Year). Tomorrow I turn 49!
So today is the last day of my 49th year, or 7×7 yearly cycles, on earth. I have completed this major cycle of growth and change, and it certainly feels like a truly significant birthday this time. Not just as a theory or abstract concept, but literally due to all the profoundly deep self-transformation and healing I have accomplished – over the last 3-4 years particularly. It’s been quite the destructive cusp, due to the magnitude of this cycle ending!
So today, as a way of honouring this milestone and rite of passage, I am reflecting on my life journey.
A Celebration Due
In amongst my reflections, I remembered that tomorrow is also my 27th Veganniversary! So I am also celebrating 27 years of embodying and living Harmlessness as my core value in action. 🙂
Love to All
I recognise that I am also feeling Gratitude, for all the people who have touched my life and helped me become the person I am today. Both the Beauty-full people who have guided and inspired me in life – so that I never fully lost sight of the brilliance and radiance within myself. And also the difficult and challenging people who have shown me how Not to be, and for providing the pressure that has allowed me to transmute my lesser nature into the light refracting diamond I am today!
So to both groups of people – Thank You, I Love You!
Fiery Transmutation
Over the last few years I became more and more aligned to the concept of The Phoenix – from an Alchemical point of view – as I saw its notes and patterns at work in my lifestream.
I became curious about its cyclic process of regenerative rebirth – of how it transformed into ash and eventually rose from those ashes. I began wondering how to create the conditions that produce the Ash that allows for a rebirth into Radiant Fiery Brilliance.
Through deep meditative reflection, it eventually became apparent that the creation of this particular Ash is itself an Act of Alchemy. I realised it is forged through the transmutation of all of the limiting patterns and narratives that cover our True Radiant Self. Yes, it is created by the destruction of the self we think ourselves to be!
I discovered that the journey to become the Phoenix costs everything, because it takes the letting go of everything we are invested in and attached to, to create the Ash.
Every single idea of self and all of its desires and plans – they must all be stripped away and reduced to naught but dust. And only once nothing remains, is there possibility of The Phoenix Path.
The idea of Fiery Transmutation is often romanticized, but let me assure you from direct experience, it is anything but!
The process of Phoenix Ash Creation, is one of complete and utter disintegration! All that you have felt as an integrated sense of self gets stripped away and destroyed… until nothing you can recognise remains.
Except as it happens, for one pleasant surprise… We are actually profoundly, deeply, beautifully, radiant at our core, and this higher self is strangely familiar.
My New Dawn
So tomorrow feels like the start of rebirth – as there is currently present all around and within me, the profound sense of stillness and poise that signifies the pause at the top of in-breath. There is nowhere left to withdraw to. Nothing but poise remains. So all that can follow now is ignition and fiery rebirth of Resplendent Light and Love in Action – an Authentic Blazing Forth on Wings of Fire!!
Fiery Love
Azure Seer