Is Your Future Already Written?

Do You Truly Have Freewill?

What if I told you… a great deal of your future was already written; that the idea you are able, in this moment, to exercise your Freewill, is so conditional as to be almost a falsity?

The present moment has already been near-completely conditioned by all of your past choices, which themselves were conditioned by choices further back in time. Freeing yourself from past conditioning takes incredible amounts of clear sight and fortitude.

The truth is that you will experience all the Effects from your previous Causes. All of the consequences of your previous actions, surround and await you, and all will have a conditioning effect upon you. Even the relative freewill you do have, is not really free. You will exercise it and make choices in accordance with the well-established patterns within your nature.

Everything that has come before, all of your reactions, beliefs, and choices all define and condition How you will respond to anything new you may encounter in life. This is why change is slow. Why evolution is timeless. The currents you have already created will sweep you into your future. You will be carried forward by your karma and psychological habits.
Hence, most of your future is already written!

The Future is Not All Gloomy

Yes, there is Light ahead as well.
While the time taken from your first incarnation as a human being, to the time of liberation out of the Human Kingdom and into the Spiritual Kingdom, is indeed vast; as you work through each tiny growth step forward, know that your development is exponential in nature. While tediously slow for eons, it gains in rapidity the closer to liberation you become.

The truth is, that if you have found yourself reading these words, it is a confirmation that you are well on the way, and indeed in the latter stages of what incarnating into the Human Kingdom has to offer. It means you are a somewhat conscious creature, that you have already developed some greater dimension of self-awareness, and also the ability to look at yourself with some degree of genuine objectivity. Clarity and Truth are magnetically attractive to each other.

It is in the cultivation of a detached radical self-honesty that you can create a greater measure of distance between the effects flowing from your past and the freedom to choose in the moment. It is through true and humble aspiration that you will create this space, even if only briefly at first.

Take heart in the fact that no choice any of us make is totally free of past conditioning, not until we are fully enlightened beings. So, do not get sad or set yourself up for unnecessary suffering by expecting of yourself that which is currently impossible.

In any moment you do feel free enough to weigh up your choices… choose Lovingkindness, choose Harmlessness, choose Benevolence – to the best of your current ability. And in this way, the causes you set in motion now, will bring favourable effects into your future. Just like putting savings into a bank account, being kind and selfless now, even in tiny amounts, will support future you to make even more Beautiful and Loving choices then.
Thus, in this way, we can all create a better experience of reality.

We Can Supercharge Favourable Conditions

If you want to supercharge changing your circumstances, you need to cultivate Selflessness and Benevolence in great measure. These are the antidote to the Self-Focused Separatism and Selfishness that are so rampant in the modern western world.

We must give to others that which we seek for ourselves! For it is only in Selfless Giving that we truly Receive.

One way we can utilise this to the advantage of all, is through creating or joining a group of conscious seekers. This way we can draw on, and offer each other, our Collective Wisdom. There is profound value in the idea of “phone a friend”. If we have difficult or important decisions to make, we are going to have an investment in them, and this always reduces our objectivity. By utilising a trusted group of loving folk, we can Heartstorm together – similar to Brainstorming, but with deeper intuitive reflection. Even if we only connect to one other individual, they will often see things we have overlooked, and in this way, we can spare ourselves some potential suffering.

We are greatest when we are together. For in truth, we are an interdependent species, we are not built to be independent – all of our long-lasting cultures have demonstrated this – despite how independence is enshrined as a “great goal” in the modern world.

Living in this Selfless and Interconnected way will radically change our experience of life, aligning it to the Heart and to Love! Then, once we achieve this Heart Based Living, we are well on the way to full liberation from all past limiting conditions.
For it is from the Heart that we can Consciously Choose with Greater Freewill.

In Love and Freedom
Azure Seer

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