Gem – Your Soul Will Not Save You!

We Must Do the Work

Our Higher Self is grown or hindered by the choices we, the incarnate Personality, makes in daily life. Here is the crucible of growth and change.

The Soul will not swoop in like some saviour, to make right all that is wrong in our lives. It will not magically awaken us to its higher perceptions.

We must do the transformative work, here and now, and thus, open the way for connection with our Higher Selves. We must clear vices and cultivate genuine virtues, transform all low-vibrational beliefs, behaviours, and habits into their high-vibrational counterparts, before connection and working rapport is possible.

We dwell in the point of power at all times – the now – where conscious choices, bringing fortuitous or deleterious consequences, are ever present. Of course, we must first grow or evolve to the degree that we can even see this as true in each moment.

Our Souls Will Not do it For Us

There is not point longing or wishing, like some ignorant religionist, for some higher being or self to save us, it will never happen.

The Human Soul, like all beings aligned to and embodying Love-wisdom, does not, will never, override human Freewill – it will never impose its Will upon us. If we don’t do the needed work on ourselves and seek within, our Soul will not even notice us. However, once we have achieved sufficient self-control and development to attract its attention, it will try to inspire us.

Unless we do our necessary self-work, we will languish life after life, going nowhere, awakening no higher consciousness. There is no other way, no shortcuts, or no one to do it for us – we must master ourselves, give freely to all, and aspire Upwards-Within. This is the Causal work that opens the door, or makes possible the Effect of alignment, connection, and eventual fusion with our Soular Selves.
We must save ourselves from ourselves.

We can consciously support each other in this work, and this is essential for the higher parts of the path, but such efforts will always be at the behest of our personality selves, and will never happen to us, or fall from the heavens. We will never be saved from ourselves or the consequences of our choices. We must choose to drive our vehicles to great places.

To taking right and needed action.
Azure Seer

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