Gem – ‘Cosmic’ Beings and Co-Measurement

“Out in Space” Does Not Equate to “Higher Vibration”

A misconception commonly held is that the further out into the cosmos one goes, the higher the vibration – resulting in many folks believing that simply because a being comes from a constellation far removed from our own, they are automatically “more evolved” and are therefore good teachers or guides to listen to. Or that these beings always hold benevolent motives.

  • Further out into physical space does not equate to higher vibration or higher planes of perception!
  • Physical beings from other physical worlds are still “physical.”

Which means, just like on our own planet, the Vast Majority will likely be unenlightened beings – despite being able to contact us astrally or mentally – as can great numbers of spiritually oriented, yet unenlightened humans, who have rudimentary psychic (astral and mental) abilities themselves.

Co-Measured Discernment is Essential

This reveals the essential importance of high-quality discernment, as not all constellations have Love as developed as we do on earth – which itself is questionable for many of humanity! One can be highly developed intellectually and greatly skilled technologically, and yet not have an Awakened Heart – as evidenced by many who pursue power and acquisitions with unloving regard, not to mention those driven by utter malevolence rather than benevolence!

Of course, there are planets in some systems that we might call “Sacred Planets,” where the Planetary Logos has evolved to a state whereby Darkness or Evil can no longer exist within its vehicle of manifestation, and as such, all of the inhabitants would be Benevolent and good to connect with – if a human being vibrating at a much lower level could manage to bridge the gap between their own vibration and the much higher one.

Quality is Everything

I have found it exceedingly rare amongst those receiving inner guidance that they have an accurate understanding of the Inner Realms, the various Planes of Perception, and the nature of the Beings and Energies to be found therein – hence, an extreme lack of ability to co-measure and discern the guidance they receive. They especially have either a very limited or non-existent awareness of the inherent dangers and nefarious beings that can affect them, or they are so fixated on this, they have become the easy victims of the clever illusions such beings can create.

The lack of clear discernment is evidenced by the nature and quality of the information presented. It is most common to find channelled guidance that is gushing with sentimentality, loving mind, subtle or overt pride and self-aggrandisement, distortions of truth, or outright falsity. At best, we see repetition of ideas that have already been given to humanity – a great waste of energy; and at worst, we see good and useful information laced with poor, bad, or misleading nonsense – intended to confuse, distract, keep disempowered, or make the earnest believer vulnerable to psychic manipulation or control.

Given the lack of esoteric knowledge and practical experience in discerning genuine Light Beings from malevolent Dark Beings masquerading as Light Beings, it is no surprise this is the case.

When we combine this with a lack of Self-Mastery, a lack of empowered higher group purpose or the sense of deeper meaning many ache for, is it any wonder their desires allow themselves to be fed “what they want to hear,” and thus, become so easily manipulated or fooled – despite their own genuinely good intentions.

We must ever strive beyond our limitations and seek higher clear knowledge – being forever mindful for the corrupting influences of maya, glamour, illusion, and the agents of evil!

To Clear Truth
Azure Seer

For more on the nature of Off-World Beings, see the third Subheading of my Article: On Technology, Truth, and Aliens

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1 thought on “Gem – ‘Cosmic’ Beings and Co-Measurement”

  1. Hi Friend,
    I’m questioning many things, or rather refraining from having an opinion, change is happening within and when it has percolated enough, the words will flow forth.
    I do agree though, that discernment is very important.
    Thanks Carita

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