Belief is the Lower Projecting onto the Higher
Just because you believe something, doesn’t make it true! Yes, your belief will dramatically impact your experience of Truth and Reality, but Belief, even backed by self-created experiences, does not equal Truth!
Even if what you believe has been believed by a lineage of teachers and thousands of followers; even if it is the basis of traditions in cultures that have existed for tens of thousands of years, and even if it is believed by millions of people now – none of this means the belief is necessarily Truth. Even if something was considered true thousands of years ago, doesn’t mean it is still true today! Many people can believe in a lie or falsehood, and this is quite common, but mass belief, held for centuries, is not truth.
Change is the Engine of Evolution
People change, and therefore, cultures change. Our ways of seeing and the choices we make from what we now know, changes. Everything is always changing. Life is change. Even God changes – and as this Divine Being within which we dwell makes choices that change Its reality, so too do we experience the consequence of those choices. The very nature of our existence changes under this Divine Choice, or as it is otherwise called – evolution.
Evolution never stops, this is as true at the dense material level, as it is for the Divine! And hence, it is also true for truth – or at least what we perceive or experience as truth.
As we humans evolve, individually and collectively, Lesser truths are replaced by Greater Truths, and Greater Truths are eventually replaced by Absolute Truths – Universal Laws that are “True,” regardless of whether any of us believe them or not.
Truth and Spiritual Age
We don’t all awaken to Greater Truth at the same time, therefore, unawakened is how we will experience the vast majority of our lifetimes! The primary reason for this is we are all at different stages or levels of spiritual growth – some are younger, and some are older Souls.
It takes many hundreds of lives from when we first Individualise from the Animal Kingdom and into the Human Kingdom, to the stage where we have turned in the seat of our consciousness and start seeking Higher or Greater Truth. And up until that stage, lessons of trial and error beyond count. The consequences of our choices or the learning of self-control and awakening wisdom, can slow down or accelerate our growth for thousands of years or multiple lives.
Enlightenment and Higher Vision
Our beliefs are informed by our knowledge and our perceptions – both of which are extremely limited until Enlightenment is achieved, rudimentary in fact.
As we master ourselves, physically, emotionally, and mentally, and as we construct and lock in the Antankarana (bridge of geometric light love and sound) to our Soul; we develop new senses, beyond the five that allow us to perceive the physical world. We awaken perceptions beyond our astral or emotional awareness, beyond even the vaster perceptions available via our mental mechanism or body, into the collective thought space created by humanity. In fact, we develop what must be termed a new apparatus of perception – one which allows Higher Spiritual Vision.
Up until that time and achievement, our ability to discern Truth from relative truth is primitive in nature.
The Levels of Truth
For simplicity, let us say there are three levels or types of truth:
- The truth of the experiences we create in this realm of maya called the physical plane. These are called “relative truths,” as they have the appearance of being true, relative to this plane, and are somewhat unique to each individual.
- The greater truth of our spiritual selves, of which our incarnate selves are but reflections. The principles which ray down from these higher planes we generally call Capital T Truth. These are shared or experienced as true by large groups of people.
- Then beyond or above all of this, is the All-Encompassing Truth, of the nature or state of the Being Within Which We Dwell – often given the title of “God.” Its Truth is what we term “Absolute Truth,” because from the human level of awareness and perception, It appears unchanging and eternal. Its “beliefs” create (or are) the laws of nature, or reality as we experience it. The nature of Its consciousness reflects as the nature of Its body, which for us, is the reality of all that is! These laws are True whether we experience them or not, believe in them or not. They simply ARE. We can choose how we relate to these vaster Universal truths; we can even hold beliefs about them, but none of our relating to or thinking about them, changes them at all.
To releasing beliefs in favour of direct experience of Greater and Absolute Truth.
Azure Seer